James/George TYLER/TILER + Mary CORBETT (General)

by m p griffiths @, Monday, August 19, 2013, 16:35 (4217 days ago) @ birks


1841 Census, Ledbury

Bye Street


William - 66 - Miller - all born in County
Frances - 56
John - 20
James - 15
Hannah -12

next door

George TYLER - 40 - Ag. Lab - all born in County
Mary - 30 c 1811
George HINS - 25 - Ag. Lab


1861 Census, Ledbury
Brooms Green

Mary TYLER - W - 70 - born Ledbury
Sarah TYLER - daughter - unmarried - 34 - Nurse, born Hereford, Donnington
Ann KING - Daughter - Widow - 23 Governess - born Gloucester Dymock **
Mary A SYMONDS - Grand-daughter - 14 - Scholar, born Gloucester, Dymock
Frederick W MARTIN, Visitor, 5 - born Cheltenham


1851 Census, Ledbury
Brooms Green - Donnington

Mary TYLER - Widow - 60? (age difficult to read) - Garden Labourer, born Ledbury, Herefordshire
William TYLER - son - 21, Groom born Donnington ****
Ann TYLER - daughter - 14 - born Dymock, Glos **

1841 Census, Ledbury
Brooms Green


Mary - 50
Emma - 20 (c1821)
William - 11 (all born in County) (c1830)
Jane - 7 - not born in County ***
Anne - 3 - not born in County


Fod Records

Baptism at Ledbury - 30 June 1833


parents: James (occupation, Gardener) & Mary - residence: Dumock

Notes: Entry in side margin Baptisms solomnized in the Parish of Donnington & County of Hereford in 1833


Anne TYLER baptism at Ledbury - 3 Sept 1837 - James (Gardener) - residence Dymock and Mary

Notes: Copy of Donnington Register.

Note: father's name James not George as per previous message from 'BIRKS'


Fod Marriage at Ledbury 19 November 1833

George TYLER - Bachelor, residence: Ledbury

married: Mary Ann BOWKETT - Spinster, residence: Ledbury

by banns

mark of Richard Cotterell and Benjamin BOWKETT



Fod Records - Baptism at Ledbury - 21 June 1829

William TYLER -

parents: James (Gardener) & Mary

Notes: Copy of Donnington Register


On the Fod records James TYLER and Mary's earliest child appears 1811 Ledbury

i.e. Eliza TYLER - 24 March 1811 - parents James & Mary


Fod Records

Marriage at Ledbury - 1 November 1810

James TYLER of this Parish


Mary CORBETT of this Parish

by banns

witnesses: mark of Ann TREHEM and mark of Thomas CORBETT

and James TYLER - burial at Ledbury - 14 October 1838

aged 58 (c1780)

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