West Dean School Buildings (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, September 26, 2013, 15:47 (4179 days ago) @ downunder

Re me being "enlightened"...?.... I've just returned to the thread in between car-bashing as my brain belatedly switched-on and realised that you're asking about the younger children - I suspect all probably had much the same education at their age in the 1920s, the 3 "R"s (bring them back !), upto finishing and probably leaving Elementary School. I guess the domestic skills were learnt young as part of routine life at home in those make-do-and-mend etc days. Perhaps the boy-girl separation was more for discipline reasons ?. Sorry to mislead you.

You mention you all had a Catholic education, presumably ?? by "all" you mean your family, not ALL Aussies ?. Sorry I don't know, I married a Catholic girl from well-outside the Forest - til then I knew nothing of that religion whatsoever, my family were all CofE Sunday School and Church goers. Mum had a good wellrounded 1940s Forest Grammar education and is very bright, yet apparently she was rather fearfull what our wedding service might bring, having only seen Catholic services on tv & film. I guess her school RE was like mine, more CofE Bible Studies than a study of other religions as us kids thought it should have been. She was genuinely surprised and pleased to find our wedding was "normal", of course, very much like the CofE ones ! I'm pleased to see that modern schooling of RE does indeed introduce schoolchildren to many different religions as well as CofE, so they can make their own educated choice as they wish.

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