Strip & At It Colliery (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 20:44 (4039 days ago) @ bethanmgriffith

Hi Bethan

The best site for detailed histories of the FoD pits is the Lightmoor site, as referenced in an earlier post in this thread, I think it's been compiled from mentions in newspapers and other local records. Sadly however not too much info for Strip and At It, but it does state:

"24 August 1923 Application for re-grant John William Morgan of Broadwell Lane End. Strip and at it No.2."

I appreciate Morgan is not a rare Forest name, but is John a descendant of your George ?
The above site cross-references the Trafalgar Colliery page, within which is "On 4th November 1919 the transfer of the Trafalgar Colliery Co. Ltd. by Sir Francis Brain to Henry Crawshay & Co. Ltd. (represented by Edwin William Morgan) and the Foxes Bridge Colliery Co. Ltd. (represented by Arthur John Morgan) was completed." Are these Morgans in your tree ?

More history of Strip and At It (and Trafalgar) in this excellent site, but no mention of Morgans tho. ??

This 1896 list of local pits includes a mention of "G. Morgan and Sons, Foundry Colliery, Speech House Road"; could this be your George's colliery ?.
Ref the Mining Links page on this site

Back to the Lightmoor site's very detailed history of Foundry pit, with many references to your Morgans, including:

"F3 609
November 1893 To be granted to George Morgan, Broadwell Lane End.

15 December 1893 Granted.

17 December 1894 George Morgan, John W. Morgan and George A. Morgan in driving a level for the Foundry Colliery trespassed into New Road Level gale. New Road Level to the deep of Foundry and in June last a level being driven by Messrs. Morgan struck the coal some 40 yards below the deep boundary of their gale. Have now driven another level with virtually the same result. ‘They are poor men’.
1894 Output 158 tons (Morgan & Sons)

13 March 1899 Accumulated arrears of rent but insufficient plant to distrain. Morgan stated that he was going through bad coal. Three or four levels, machine house, office and loading bank on Severn & Wye tramroad.

1 March 1900 Morgan granted a lease for 35 years to a Mr. William Morris of Newport.

30 November 1900 Dean Forest Guardian Accident reported. Tram broke away on incline to a loading wharf on the Coleford - Speech House road. Two small boys injured.

BT31 10972/83366
Application by subscribers of Forest [struck through] Coleford Red Ash. Not to issue invitations to the public to subscribe.
George Albert Morgan Forest Red Ash Colliery Colliery Proprietor
John William Morgan Forest Red Ash Colliery Colliery Proprietor
Edward Little Stroud Solicitor
R. T. Ward Stroud Coal Merchant
H. Theo Humpidge Amberley, Stroud Engineer
William Selwyn Stroud Flock manufacturer
John Rowell Stroud Solicitor

Incorporated 23 January 1905 Capital £1000 in 1000 £1 shares
To acquire by purchase as a going concern the business now carried on under name of George morgan & Sons at the Forest Red Ash Colliery near Coleford with all fixed and moveable plant, machinery and horses, wagons, trams, book debts and all other assests.
Agreement between George Albert Morgan and John William Morgan and the Coleford red Ash Colliery Co.
Registered office 2, Rowcroft Stroud John Rowell.
Vendors will sell gale - granted 15 December 1893. Vendors and late father George Morgan traded as Forest Red Ash Colliery Co. or George Morgan & Sons.
Consideration for sal'e £212 2s. 11d.
For the property £100 - loose plant, machinery, horses etc.
Remaining property £112 2s. 11d.
To be paid in shares
Sal'e to be completed by 6 February.
Creditors owed £287 17s. 6d.

23 July 1909 Dean Forest Guardian Sal'e by auction of seam of coal, Whittington, 46 acres, 146,000 tons, 2' 4" thick. the level is equipped. Stalls are set off and the coal may at once be worked. A self-acting incline works the tubs direct to a railway siding. Foundry Colliery No.1 at present let to Messrs. Alfred and James Parry on a yearly tenancy at a royalty of 9d. per ton. The colliery can be worked at very little expense as there is no machinery.
Sal-e due to shareholders dispute.
No bid made at sal-e.

23 December 1909 John Rowell appointed receiver"

Thanks to
(Apologies for mispelling "sal-e" to allow inclusion within this site).

The Foundry (Level) pit was located at Cannop, the Broadwell side of Speech House. Strip & At It is next to Trafalgar, near Cinderford. I suspect your family's history has become confused over the years, "your" Geo Morgans were at Foundry with a possible descendant at Strip and At It ?. Again c/o the Lightmoor site, this superb 1894 map shows these coal mine locations as black spots (brown being iron mines).


We've had several mining queries similar to yours, these prior threads should help you. If you've visiting the area then the Heritage Museum & Library is a must-visit, I recommend you write to them in the first instance, I gather they're very helpful with such enquiries. You've probably already searched the excellent Freeminer's Register in this website's database, from which:

Record_Number: 1947
Forename: George Albert
Surname: MORGAN
Calculated Year of Birth: 1861
Age: 21
Day: 4
Month: Jan
Year: 1882
Residence: Broadwell Lane End
Remarks: Certificate of Birth produced
Soundex: M625

Record_Number: 3152
Forename: George William
Surname: MORGAN
Calculated Year of Birth: 1883
Age: 21
Day: 28
Month: Nov
Year: 1904
Residence: Broadwell Lane End
Remarks: Two Witnesses
Soundex: M625

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