Flossie Wood born 16.12.1900 (General)

by Jane777 @, Saturday, March 08, 2014, 22:39 (4016 days ago) @ Jefff


Thank you for the time and trouble you have gone to, to try and help me. I have a copy of Flossies birth certificate however we knew her as Florence Emily Woods. My mum sadly is no longer with us however her sister is and brother and 16.12.1900 was definitely her (Florence's) birthday. My Aunty told me that everyone called her mother Flossie. When I had a search completed at the GRO no Florence Emily Wood was found however there was just the ONE Flossie born. No other Florence's etc. On the 1901 census she is put down as Flossie however on the 1911 census she is put as Florence. I only saw my grandmother once as I remember however my older sister remembers her well. My aunt told me that her mother told them nothing about her family so she suspected there was something and of course being an unmarried mother wasn't good in those days. Martha worked as a domestic servant (which is added to the line where Flossie is a baby on the census1901 by mistake) . There is East Dean along side Martha's name, so not sure if this is where she was working. By the 1911 census she is working as a charwoman. On the 1911 census there is another child Gruty, however we can not find her. My aunt has an envelope only, with E or G Wood on it from a hospital in Bristol in 1980 where she died however we haven't traced this person. My aunt thought she was her sister. In 1916 Martha married William George who was a widower. I guess that Martha's baby/babies were maybe the master of the house she worked for/someone she was seeing or even the man she married as he was married at the time. This is all guess work!

Was there any records kept on domestic servants?

By the way the workhouse where my grandmother was born was on her birth certificate.

Thank you so much for your help. It is a great website however I must be honest i found it difficult getting into the replies. Easy when you know how. That's why I am late getting back to you.

Thank you so much once again!!!

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