Seeking info on Samuel NEWMAN of Blakeney/Awre (General)

by foacmow @, Wednesday, August 06, 2014, 22:32 (3865 days ago) @ foacmow

Thanks to all for the info so far. I am looking for details on Samuel but any bit of info is worth looking into and might fill some other holes so keep it coming!

Thinking about it logically, and based on the story of the man visiting Louisa George when my gran was living with her this must have occurred between 1923 (my gran's birth year) and 1933 when Louisa George died.

I believe that my gran moved to stay with Louisa after her mother (Louisa's daughter) died in 1927 so we have a narrow window of 1927-1933 for the event.

The marriage between Louisa George and Herbert Hancock was in 1910 so there's either a record of dissolution of marriage out there or a spot of bigamy!

Regarding William NEWMAN - this is getting complicated. I think the William NEWMAN married to Hannah Maria with children James, Joseph and Richard is a different one. The dates don't add up. He would be of the same generation as Samuel.

It's interesting that the name CHURCH keeps coming up.

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