by 10noyrum @, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 08:59 (3859 days ago) @ Morgana

My ancestor Thomas Morgan, likely born about 1640, Whitecliffe, near Coleford, Parish of Newland, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire betrays in his Last Will and Testament Catholic leanings. A witness to his Will (GDR 1711/159) was Cornelius Ryan listed amongst the Non-juror (Catholic) returns for Staunton of 1717. In life, however, he bent to the Church of England wind and his children were baptised and buried in the Church of England at Lydney. I have credible evidence that the father of Thomas Morgan was William Morgan of Whitecliffe, though his baptism does not appear in the Parish Records of the Forest of Dean. The father of William Morgan was likely John Morgan. John Morgan is mentioned in the Will of Richard Worgan of Clowerwall , Newland (GDR 1621/120 written 25th April 1621): "Item William Morgan Gent oweth me for the debt of his father John Morgan Gent which the said William promised to pay mee and ys the some of 5li". John Morgan is likely the son of Thomas Morgan of the Hurst, Lydney Gloucestershire whose Will was proved in 1568. The father of Thomas Morgan (Will 1568) was Thomas Morgan (Will 1532), alderman of Gloucester. Thomas Morgan (Will 1532) likely worked in some lay capacity for Lanthony Priory, Gloucester since he mentions in his Will "Jamyes Pady sur[van]te to my lord of Lanthony". The father of Thomas Morgan was likely William Morgan of Gloucester, steward of Lanthony, who is mentioned in National Archives document C 1/1248/51 (1544-1551): "John and Roger, sons of William Morgan, deceased, steward of the convent of Llanthony by Gloucester". John is likely the brother of Thomas Morgan (Will 1532), who is mentioned in the Will of Thomas Morgan (Will 1532). The father of William Morgan was likely the Thomas Morgan mentioned in National Archives document PRO CP 25/1/290/59, no. 11: "The manor of Hurst was probably the estate, including 2 messuages and 120 acres that John and Joan Barre conveyed to Thomas Morgan in 1466". Thomas Morgan was born before 1445.

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