Edward BLUNT/Phillip BLUNT/HICKS (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, September 22, 2014, 11:51 (3817 days ago) @ edwaeliz

Fod Records (also there are previous threads on Philip BLUNT/POWELL)

Marriage at Lydney - 19 December 1786

Thomas BLUNT of Alvington
Susanna HICKS of this Parish

by banns 19th and 26th November


Thomas LEWIS
Richard HICKS **

** Marriage at Alvington - 15 August 1793, Richard HICKS of Lidney ***, married Elizabeth GODSELL of Alvington

witnesses: Ann HILLINGTON, John POWELL

*** possibly the son of Edward & Margaret HICKS christened at Lydney - 11 August 1771


Fod Records have a burial at Hewlesfield of Susanna BLUNT of Clearwell aged 5 - 29 October 1821

Gloucestershire Family History CD - gives the age of Susanna as 56

? Do you belong to Ancestry…

? There is the Will of William BLUNT 1788 of Newland, - which mentions his Sons, Edward & *Thomas BLUNT - son-in-law - Thomas RICHARDS - daughters Anne/Margaret/Tracey -

Fod Records:
Baptism at Newland - 20 August 1749 - Thomas BLUNT, parents William & Anne/Burial at Hewlesfield - 22 December 1835, Thomas BLUNT - age 83 = c1752
? The Thomas BLUNT will of 1820 - of Newland, - was aged 75 when he died (Fod Records = c 1745)

Thomas RICHARDS married Sarah BLUNT at Newland - 13 June 1769 and Thomas was a witness when Edward BLUNT (widower) married again 10 February 1803

Margaret BLUNT married John RICHARDS at Newland - 20 May 1769


There is a lot of info on Philip BLUNT - Uncle Edward BLUNT

With an Article on Larcency at Hewlesfield in 1842

1841 Census
Arkells Court - Hewlesfied

Samuel EDWARDS -55 - Farmer, not born in County
James PRITCHARD - 50 - M.S - not born in County
Philip BLUNT - 20 - M.S. born in County
George BIRD 20 - ditto
Daniel JAMES - 10 - ditto
Eliza VAUGHAN - 15 - F.S - ditto
Amelia JONES - 15 - ditto
Fanny JONES - 50 - ditto


Larcency at Hewlesfield 1842 - from the Hewlesfield Police Station Diary
17 January 1842

At 9 a.m. being called on by Mr Samuel Edwards of Harts Hill Court, Parish of Hewlesfield, whose house was broken into and a quantity of bacon, lard, cheese and wheat stolen there on Sunday night the 16th instant. Sgt Sheills and Constable Baisley proceeded with him to search of house of Edward BLUNT of the Parish of Hewlesfield where he suspected the Property was concealed. We found the whole of the Property that was lost. We took Edward BLUNT Alexander BLUNT and Phillip BLUNT into custody on suspicion of having stolen the property. After we took them into custody Phillip BLUNT acknowledged to have taken the property.

We also found in the house a gun the property of John EVANS, Carpenter of Hewlesfield which was stoken some time in December last. Also part of the regins of a bridle the property of Mr Thomas WADE of Arkle Farm, Parish of Woolaston, and a smock frock that was stolen from the stable of Mr William WILLETT, the property of his servant Henry REEKS. We were the greater part of the day employed as above.

18th January
At 10 a.m. Constable William ONION proceeded to Mr Thomas WADE to inform them of the Property found. From whence proceeded with the property and witnesses to Lidney. At 10a.m. Sg John SHEILLS and Constable George BAISLEY proceeded with the prisoner to Lidney, and took them before the Magistrates assembled at the Petty Sessions. Phillip BLUNT was committeed to stand his trial and Edward and Alexander BLUNT was admitted to Bail to stand their trials. About 7 pm Constable George BAISLEY left Lidney on his way home in charge of the property. Arrived at this station 9pm. Sgt John SHEILLS and Constable William ONION remained at Lidney in order to make a night patrol home. Constable BAISLEY took up guard.

** Notes on the people mentioned.

Phillip BLUNT who was baptised at Hewlesfield in 1822, was the third illegitimate child of Ann BLUNT. She died in 1828. When this crime occurred he was staying with an Uncle, Edward BLUNT, and his family.

Nine months earlier in 1841 census records Philip employed as a farm servant to the above mentioned Samuel EDWARDS

Phillip BLUNT was sentenced to transportation for 7 years at Gloucester in March 1842 for this crime and records show him later that month imprisoned on the prison hulk 'Justita' at Woolwich with other convicts who were destined for Van Diemen's Land. -

The contributors writes….

'I have so far been unsuccessful in tracing his arrival in Australia or in finding any record of his stay there. If he was transported to Oz he possibly returned to the UK and serving his sentence, as a researcher of the BLUNT family tree believe he changed his name to PHILIP POWELL and settled around 1860 near Cardiff.'

St John SHEILLS - born 1819 from Charlestown, Louth in Ireland, was one of the first Irish Officers recruited from the Dublin Metropolitan Police by Anthony LEFROY, signing up on the 23 December 1839. Shortly after the above incident he resigned from the police force and accepted a position of gamekeeper with the owners of Hewlesfield Court. He settled at nearby Clanna with his Herefordshire born wife Elizabeth. Three of their children were baptised at Alvington.


Quite a lot of information on Public members Tree Ancestry - of Philip BLUNT/POWELL after 1851 etc


Fod records

baptism at Hewlesfield - 3 February 1822

Phillip BLUNT - mother, Anne, (Single woman) - residence, Hewlesfield and Siblings

Christopher - 27 January 1820 and Amelia - 6 September 1818


1851 Wales Census, Woolaston

BLUNT/mother's maiden name: HATHAWAY - Gloucestershirebdm (FoD records - Married 15 Oct 1838 at Hewlesfield)

Christopher - 31 - Mason, born Hewlesfield
Amelia - 31 - born St Briavels
Alice - 11 -
William - 8
Israel - 5
Mary - 3
Elizabeth 1

- it would seem Amelia never married but had children

1851 Census Woolaston

Amelia BLUNT -30 - unmarried visitor, Seamstress, born Hewlesfield
Mary - 2 - born Woolaston
William - 6 weeks - born Woolaston

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