William Hawkins Quarry (General)
by steeleruk, Saturday, September 27, 2014, 19:33 (3813 days ago)
could anyone tell me where is William Hawakins Quarry is or was please in viney hill , what road was it off
William Hawkins Quarry
by Mike Pinchin , Bedford, England, Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 23:19 (3810 days ago) @ steeleruk
On this site is a record of the inquest (9th February 1880 at the Cock Inn, Blakeney) on the body of Thomas POWELL (46) who died from injuries sustained from a falling into a quarry.
In the Gloucester Journal Saturday 14 February 1880,
To paraphrase,
Inquest at the Nibley Inn (presumably the Cock Inn) on Thomas POWELL (26 sic.), sawyer and general labourer, lodger at the Nibley Inn. He set out from the Inn at 6 o’clock on Saturday evening last to go to the Albion Inn, Viney Hill where witnesses saw him arrive and subsequently leave at about 9 ‘clock. He was later found injured in his bed in Nibley. Thomas DAVIES, landlord of the Nibley Inn, deposed,
“It was about 9 o’clock (presumably Sunday morning) when he saw Powell and said to him ““Tom, what in the world is the matter?”” Deceased said ““Gaffer, I fell down into the quarry.”” Witness asked what quarry and deceased said "“The quarry near Mr Young’s upper house near the point of the hill."” The quarry formerly belonged to William Hawkins, deceased, and was worked out. It adjoined the turnpike road and was not fenced, and was in a most dangerous condition.”
If this could have a bearing on the query there are a couple of candidate quarries marked on the route between Viney Hill and Nibley.
William Hawkins Quarry
by Roger Griffiths , Wednesday, October 01, 2014, 18:36 (3809 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin
I am sorry, but I should have been able to provide you with some more information yesterday. I did not note down the Link or copy out the information I found. Today the Link does not seem to come up again. I searched for William Hawkins quarry Viney Hill/Blakeney.
It was the Govt. grant of Lease for the quarry to William Hawkins. It was granted in late 1850's for a period of 99 years at an anuual rental of £1 per annum. The grant was numbered 38? or similar. The dimensions of the quarry were given.
It was probably off the Nibley/Viney Hill road. Undoubtedly there was/and is a map as an appendix. Either the Grant number or William Hawkins' name would be present.