Forest of Dean Surnames Research Register (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, October 12, 2006, 04:51 (6721 days ago)

It is almost two years since we introduced the Surnames Research Register on the
Web Site. Since that time we have received over one thousand submissions.

As, I have no means of knowing how big a benefit this resource is to you all,
would you be kind enough to please give me some feedback!

I hope to hear that you've made a connection with someone researching the same
family as yourself and you have been able to jump back several generations over night.

Whatever the result or the non result is, please share it with us here on the
Message Board.

Thank You

Forest of Dean Surnames Research Register

by Barbara Lloyd @, Thursday, October 12, 2006, 05:56 (6721 days ago) @ admin

I have found the surname interests register to be of tremendous use, I have made contact with both my Vaughan family and Hewlett family connections. When I signed up to the register I did it as a matter of course, not really thinking I would find direct connections to my Great Grandmother's family both the male and female line. The help and information received from these distant relatives has been superb, and will continue. The friendship and help received from other members of the board has made my research far more interesting than my London family which I am struggling with.

I look forward to my daily visit to the board and wonder in amazement at what will be the next question that will require an answer.

Barbara Lloyd.

Forest of Dean Surnames Research Register

by braillemaker, Thursday, October 12, 2006, 07:09 (6721 days ago) @ admin

I certainly consider that the Surname Database is worthwhile - I have been in contact with a couple of people with shared interests through it; what's more, your message served as a reminder to look again and I've just seen another very interesting looking contact!
Of course, if you find someone researching the same name(s) it's useful to be able to peruse the other person's tree. serves this purpose very well since you can allow another specific person to have access to your tree. Not that everyone wants to use 'genes' to store their data - I don't myself! However, as long as you use software that enables you to export data in GEDCOM format that isn't a problem since 'genes' will accept data in GEDCOM format.
In addition, 'genes' will fortnightly compare your tree with everyone else's and will send you an email all the 'hot matches' it has found. Most of them aren't true matches but I have found enough positive contacts to make it worthwhile.

Forest of Dean Surnames Research Register

by Martin Jones, Friday, October 13, 2006, 04:36 (6720 days ago) @ admin

I found only one family name in the Register, but it led me directly to a (fourth) cousin in the US, with whom I've shared a lot of interesting information. So definitely worth while.

While writing, may I say that the Parish Records Project has been a treasure trove of information for me, and is a truly magnificent effort by all the volunteers.

Forest of Dean Surnames Research Register

by Ann @, Cheltenham, Glos, Friday, October 13, 2006, 11:56 (6719 days ago) @ admin

Unfortunately the Surnames Research has not been of much use to me as yet - a Sindrey, but this must be that there are not many of us left.
I await the day that my busy son logs on to do further research into his ancestors - the Teagues. I've no doubt it will be helpful to him.

I wondered if I am a "sad soul" as I log on to this site every time I download my emails. If I go away, I just have to switch on as soon as I get home. I never know if I might miss something vital. I read almost everything that comes on line, it does give insites into many aspects of Forest life.

All those concerned with this site, please keep up the good work.

Ann S.

Forest of Dean Surnames Research Register

by Barbara Lloyd @, Saturday, October 14, 2006, 07:10 (6719 days ago) @ Ann

Hi Ann

If you are a "sad soul" that makes two of us, I recognise the symptons.

As you say the site gives great background information into life in the Forest. - I wasn't taught this type of history when I was at School. - In the old days.

Barbara Lloyd

Forest of Dean Surnames Research Register

by NOMAD, Sunday, October 15, 2006, 18:38 (6717 days ago) @ admin


Forest of Dean Surnames Research Register

by nigel marshall, Monday, October 16, 2006, 09:21 (6717 days ago) @ Barbara Lloyd

Hi all

Now let's make that three!

We managed to get in contact with a cousin my mother was not aware of and the information exchange has been great(thanks Margaret).Through this we have discovered much about my great grandfather Charles HJ Meek,pictures we were not aware of and especially his war records(killed April1918 WW1).Now that we have so much detail there will be a memorial to him on the website dedicated to the 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers(4th Tyneside Irish)and we are planning a trip next year to Belgium. I have also uncovered information about the death of his brother Francis Meek (1916) in the same dreadful conflict and the activities of the Tunnelling Companies in WW1 which were recruited from experienced miners for their specialist skills. We also discovered from a relative in Australia about another hero who lost his life as a Lancaster Bomber Pilot during WW2.It has been and continues to be a very interesting journey for my family.
Thank you to all who support this site.

Forest of Dean Surnames Research Register

by sylviamorgan @, Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 03:20 (6715 days ago) @ nigel marshall

Another"sad soul" who looks at the register every time I look at my e-mails and who has made a contact with an ALLAWAY relation through doing so

Forest of Dean Surnames Research Register

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, October 22, 2006, 00:14 (6711 days ago) @ admin

Here is a copy of a recent reply I received in response to the email message I sent to all the people who had submitted to the Surnames Research Register.

It seems ages ago now but I was attempting to start a family tree, firstly on my mothers side who's maiden name was Aston and originated from Broadwell, so I posted some details on a site and really did not expect to hear anything, in fact I had forgotten all about it. Imagine my surprise when I received an Email from Canada from a relative of my Grandfathers brother.

Thanks and keep up the good work.

Best regards

Gerald Willis

Forest of Dean Surnames Research Register

by julien @, Monday, October 23, 2006, 11:44 (6709 days ago) @ admin

Please keep up the good work -- I have just met my father's cousin for the first time, with her daughter & grand daughter. This would not have been possible, had it not been for the contact I have made with my third cousin Brian in New Zealand, thanks to this website. We have shared much information over the last few months and I greatly enjoy reading the message board & latest additions to the stories, pictures and the exceptionally useful Parish register transcripts.

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