Tyler's Row/Terrace, Valley Road, Cinderford (General)

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Sunday, November 30, 2014, 17:16 (3749 days ago)

I'm loooking for information regarding the row of houses previously known as Tyler's Row or Terrace. Current address is 122-132 Valley Road. I'm looking for information on when built, who built it and what is the Tyler connection.

Earliest reference to the name Tyler's Row is in the 1881 census at which time there was no Tyler living there. So far I have found that a Mary Ann Tyler (née Cowmeadow) and her son, Henry James Tyler lived in the row in 1891. Henry James was still living there in 1901 but in a different house. This is the only Tyler connection to the row I can find.

Mary Ann previously lived at the Victoria Hotel nearby. In 1851 her mother, Elizabeth, is listed as the Inn Keeper. Mary Ann married Henry Tyler in 1855. In 1861 Henry is listed as the Inn Keeper. Henry died in 1863 and Mary Ann continued to run the hotel until moving to the row sometime between 1881 and 1891.

Any assistance or advice of where to look for further information would be gratefully received.

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