Furnace Valley, Awre/Blakeney (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, December 21, 2014, 18:52 (3728 days ago) @ patsy

You're welcome of course Patsy.
I had also meant to include these weblinks, altho I suspect you've already seen the British History site wrt Blakeney. Too much for me to try to summarise within this post, but gives an idea of the long industrial history of the valley.

This is a nice FoD website, relatively new I think, it also has some interesting pages abt Blakeney (and the rest of the area).

Finally, have you looked at the various Old Maps websites, the earliest Ordnance Survey maps should be useful to you as they were published from the late 1800s.
I haven't used this website much myself, it's a relatively new one which appears to be more user-friendly than most, and allows seameless zooming into very close detail. I recommend you open the links into new windows for best viewing.
This link will hopefully go to the earliest OS map of the Blakeney area, c1884. http://maps.nls.uk/view/101453691
This should lead to the general "menu" page, each red box is an individual map http://maps.nls.uk/geo/find/#zoom=11&lat=51.78486&lon=-2.40174&layers=6

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