Emma SINDREY/George LANE (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Friday, January 16, 2015, 12:36 (3703 days ago) @ Carolbeagle



LANE/Mother's Surname name: CINDRY

Harriet - 1862 - Forest of Dean, Westbury on Severn, Newnham
Timothy - 1864 - Forest of Dean, Westbury on Severn, Newnham
Charles - 1867 - ditto
Lucy - 1870 - ditto (looks as though Emma run off with Lucy)

1871 Census, East Dean, Cinderford

George LANE - married - 31 - born East Dean
Harriett LANE - 9
Timothy LANE - 7
Cho LANE - 3
Mary GEOMCUS (as transcribed) age 41 - mother - Housekeeper - (think is reads YEOMANS) - born May Hill
Henry GEOMCUS - son - 3
Thomas PEART - 20 - Lodger


Fod Records (pointed out by another forum user) and on Gloucestershirebmd

Marriage at Westbury on Severn Register Office - 1861

George LANE/Emma SINDRY *****

Emma LANE was a witness at a sibling's wedding at Cinderford St John

Year: 1864
Month: May
Day: 30
Grooms Surname: WHITE
Grooms Forenames: George Merrick
Grooms Age: 20
Groom Condition: Bachelor
Grooms Occupation: Mason Work
Grooms Residence: Woodside
Grooms Fathers Surname: WHITE
Grooms Fathers Forenames: William
Grooms Fathers Occupation: Gardener

Brides Surname: CINDERY
Brides Forenames: Jane
Brides Age: 26
Brides Condition: Spinster
Brides Occupation:
Brides Residence: Woodside
Brides Fathers Surname: CINDERY
Brides Fathers Forenames: Henry
Brides Fathers Occupation: Sawyer
Licence or Banns: Banns
Witnesses: Mark of Thomas JONES and Emma LANE

? Death not found of George or a marriage between William LITTLE and Emma LANE, ? did Emma run off with another man!

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