STERRYs of Longhope & area, Westbury on Severn. (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, January 29, 2015, 17:44 (3689 days ago) @ peteressex

Yes Peter, in my FH researches I've only ever seen Jones spelt thus, altho in this modern multicultural age Johns is becoming popular and even Johannes ! Finding my all-to-commonplace family isn't difficult, it's sorting out WHICH of the many William Jones is mine that's the problem... but yes easier than yours for sure.

I have seen Sterrey as well as Sterry, as I posted earlier. I still find it fascinating that names initially seem unusual are often not rare at all, depending where you're looking of course. From a Welsh Newspapers viewpoint, their website gives hits for over 1200 "Sterry", but just 5 for "Sterrey", altho this may just reflect journalist's spellings.
Several of the above hits relate to a Sterry Road, Gowerton near Swansea.

I only recall ever meeting ONE Sterry, a lad from Westbury who I was at school with in the 70s. I presume he was related to the blue-liveried "Sterry Coal Merchants" lorry often parked alongside the main A40 in Westbury in the 80s and 90s ?.

Re the Westbury Sterrys, here's a brief mention, altho I've included the whole article in case other names are of interest to the forum;

Cardiff Times of 20th November 1875,


VIOLENT ASSAULTS.— At the Petty-sessions, on Monday (before Captain Goold, Mr R. J. Kerr, and the Rev. C. E. Dighton), John Davis, Richard Davis, junr., and Richard Davis, senr., were brought up, the former charged with assaulting Edward Clarke, a night watchman at the Forest Vale Iron Works, and Police-constable Roseblade; and the two others with rescuing John Davis from the custody of Roseblade. The evidence showed that at 11 o'clock on the night of the 8th inst., John Davis was found by the watchman drunk upon the works talking to the men. He advised Davis to go home, when Davis made a most savage assault upon him, knocking him down several times, and following this up by showers of stones. The policeman, on being fetched, was also assaulted but on the arrival of Sergt. Critchley defendant was taken into custody. Prior to his arrival, however, the two other defendants came out of the house and assaulted the constable, and ultimately rescued John Davis. Both policemen were obliged to use violence, so savage were the attacks. Mr Cooke, of Gloucester, appeared for the complainants, Mr Dighton for the defendants. John Davis was sent to gaol for 3 months; Richard Davis, junr., was fined £1 and costs, or one month's imprisonment; Richard Davies, senr., 10s and costs, or 10 days' imprisonment.

LARCENY BY GIPSIES.— Neptune James Jones and Henry Loveridge, two young gipsies, were brought up charged with stealing a hand-truck, value 7s, the property of William Sterry, of Westbury-on-Severn. The defendants stated that they took the truck for the purpose of conveying some skewers to Cheltenham, and intended to bring it back. They were committed for one month's imprisonment each."

Hopefully this is of interest to you, Peter; I see several William Sterry's in W-o-S albeit a little before this ?, but I guess he links into this recent thread ?

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