Will of Thomas STEEL (General)
Some years ago, I obtained the will of my great great grandfather, Thomas STEEL, who died at Stow Hall, near Coleford in 1893.
Looking at the wills index on this site, I see that a son of his, Thomas Rees STEEL, is listed as a beneficiary. Now in the will that I have, the only names mentioned are those of a daughter, Mary Anne, and a son-in-law Charles CLARKE - no mention of Thomas Rees. Can anyone explain this apparent anomaly?
David Steel
Will of Thomas STEEL
This copy of the Will does mention Thomas Rees Steel in the following context.
I give devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate whatsoever (including my Policy of Insurance with the Prudential Assurance Company now in the hands of my son Thomas Rees Steel ______)
There is a mention of Mary Ann Clarke, though she is referred to as the wife of Martin Clarke
If you send me a message via the blue envelope I can send you a copy of this Will