William WELLINGTON married Rose SELWYN (General)

by NOMAD, Saturday, October 21, 2006, 20:53 (6711 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim
Thanks for that info. I'm researching the Baldwin & Wellington families
for a friend of mine Eric Wellington, Eric's a Sgt in the Australian Army
at the moment he's stationed at Bowen in North Qld.Quite possible William
(1879) on the 1891 census is his g/g I also came up with 1878/9 date as I
found a marriage for a William Richard WELLINGTON in 1803 to a Rose Annie
SELWYN in Wales also found some of William & Rose's children William Selwyn
WELINGTON born in Wales 1905, William Richard WELLINGTON 1907 also Wales,
Albert Victor Wellington 1911 born Gloucestershire and Eric Wellington
born 1915 Gloucestershire, there's also a Charlotte(known as Lottie Hart)
and a Dulcie these two I haven't found yet.where abouts on the message board
will I find the photo of William WELLINGTON? Re the BALDWIN'S Ihave a photo
of William Lambert BALDWIN only to happy to email you a copy, I put a message
for you on the message boards earlier in the week about the BALDWINS, I recieved
Henry Baldwin's birth cert confirming that James BALDWIN was his father and his mother was Mary Ann WINTER. Would appreciate any info you can give me
about James BALWIN'S parents William & Hannah.

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