Plaisted, Sier & Young Familes of Westbury 1700s (General)

by diagram @, Monday, July 20, 2015, 09:50 (3518 days ago)

I have recently found the names of some missing wives in my PLAISTED family. One of these is Deborah SIER daughter of Joseph bap 1742/3 at Westbury who married Thomas PLAISTED in 1764 at Gloucester St Michael.

Another of Joseph's daughters Abigail SIER (bap 1744/5) married Richard YOUNG in 1764 at Westbury. Their daughter Sarah YOUNG (bap 1771) married Charles GREEN, a Notary Public who worked for the Bank of England.

I have not found Charles & Sarah's wedding but their first child Abigail GREEN was bap 1797 at Little Dean. Presumably this was a case of going home to mother for the first baby, the rest of their children were born in London. Their second daughter Ann GREEN married her second cousin, John PLAISTED, grandson of Thomas & Deborah.

So I have two SIER GGGG-Grandmothers and now I am trying to find out more about the SIER and YOUNG families.

For a start I should like to know how to pronounce SIER. I imagine it is like 'sigher' a person who sighs, but I have been caught out before. Knowing the pronunciation helps to identify alternate spellings in the early registers, e.g. should I include SAYER?

My preliminary look at the records suggests that Joseph SIER came from Red Marley and that earlier generations came from Dymock. If anyone is researching this family please get in touch.

If anyone from ADMIN is reading this I should like to make a donation, I sent a message via the form to get an address but got no answer. I have money in a sterling account and could afford to be more generous by cheque. The money was for future visits but I am unlikely to be able to travel to England again. I wish this was not so, I should love to visit the Forest of Dean again now that I know more about where my ancestors lived. I thought it was a magical place even though it drizzled most of the time I was there


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