Presenting to a church in 1547 (General)

by isherwop @, Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 09:08 (3496 days ago)

I have been researching the Pauncefote family, Lords of the manor at Hasfield.
The history of this family is recorded in 'The History of Gloucester" accessible on the web. Part of this account is:
Browne claimed to have been expelled from the manor by force in 1531, but apparently regained possession, and c 1537 was disputing the manor with Richard, John Paucefote's son. Richard presented to Hasfield church in 1547 and died seised of the manor in 1558. He was succeeded by his son John who went into exile in 1584 because of his recusancy.
I am wondering what "presenting to Hasfield church" was all about. Would this have been relevant to him repossessing the manor or did it have something to do with his reccusancy which ultimately resulted in him going into exile.
Any help or ideas appreciated.

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