Welsh Newspapers - "Mining Disaster at Cinderford" (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Monday, October 05, 2015, 23:26 (3440 days ago) @ ChrisW

If it’s of any help I have these two,

Gloucester Journal - Saturday 27 February 1892

CINDERFORD. The Colliery Fatalities Dean Forest.—Mr. M. F. Carter, coroner for the West of Gloucester, held two inquests Monday night, in the neighbourhood of Cinderford, touching the deaths of two men, Edwin George, a horse tender, working at Foxes Bridge Colliery, and William Taylor, miner, working at Buckshaft Iron Mine, Mr. Donald Bain, sub-inspector mines for the south-western district, and Mr. G. H. Rowlinson, miners’ agent, were present at both inquiries. In each case the jury returned a verdict of accidental death.

Gloucestershire Chronicle - Saturday 20 February 1892

Fatalities Dean Forest.— Edwin George, aged 34, labourer, was killed while shunting trucks at Foxes Bridge Colliery on Thursday. Leaves a widow seven children. Yesterday William Taylor, married, with large family, was killed by large stone falling on him while working in the Buckshaft Iron Mine.

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