caleb maile (General)

by hjweare, Thursday, November 24, 2016, 16:22 (3024 days ago)

I am trying to trace the baptism of Caleb Maile. On censuses it is recorded he was born in Dymock about 1800 but there is no trace of him. Has anybody researched this person or seen a baptism record, please?

caleb maile

by rhianonturrell @, Thursday, November 24, 2016, 17:11 (3024 days ago) @ hjweare

There is this on ancestry banns of marriage, he is a widower.Do you have this already?About the right time?
Name: Caleb Male
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 22 Jan 1829
Spouse: Prudence Kerby
Event Type: Marriage
Parish: Upton St Leonards, Gloucestershire

Caleb MAILE/Sophia CHINN

by MPGriffiths @, Thursday, November 24, 2016, 17:45 (3024 days ago) @ rhianonturrell

for starters...

Looking at the 1881 census - Caleb's (aged 80) wife is Sophia born Dymock

3 baptisms at Dymock: parents: Caleb (Farmer) residence: Timberhill

1843 - Sophia MAILE
1846 - Mary Ann MAILE
1848 - Anna Maria MAIL

(John & Sarah MAILE/MOYLE - are having children baptised at Dymock around 1800 etc)

and burial listed at Dymock

2 June 1834

John MOYLE aged 82 : residence: Timberhill



Caleb MAILE married Sophia CHINN at Dymock 1842

9 March 1842

Caleb MAILE, full age, bachelor, Yeoman
residence: Timberlake

father: John MAILE, Yeoman ***


Sophia CHINN, full age, Spinster

father: Richard CHINN, Yeoman

by Licence

witnesses: James CLARK and Elizabeth HARVEY.

*** Gloucestershire Genealogical Database - has a Will listed of John MAILE 1834 of Dymock.


On the Dymock baptisms there is a gap of the children of John & Sarah between 1797 and 1805

Caroline MAIL - 1790
John MAYLE - 1792 **
Thomas MAYLE - 1794
Richard MAYLE - 1797

Mary Ann MAYLE - 1805


On the 1841 census for Gloucester St John the baptist, there is a John MAILE born 1792 and 1795, wife Mary - with various children including Caleb MAILE - aged 15-19
Marriage at Dymock - 20 July 1785

John MAYL - Bachelor, Dymock
Sarah MASON - Spinster, Dymock

by Licence

witnesses: Sarah SIMON and Sarah HILL

Caleb MAILE/Sophia CHINN

by Peter Preece @, Friday, November 25, 2016, 12:14 (3024 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

In the Herefordshire FHS Monumental Inscriptions Index there are the two entries below:

Caleb Maile died 1891 aged 90 Putley

Mrs Sophia Maile died 1900 aged 60 Putley

Hope this is of use.

Peter Preece

Caleb MAILE in old newspapers

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, November 25, 2016, 16:53 (3023 days ago) @ Peter Preece

Searching "Caleb Maile" on the BNA site gives the following articles. I have downloaded the original images, please email me direct if you would like them.

Public Notices
ALL Persons having any Claim or Demand against the Estate of the late Mr RICHARD MAILE, of the Trumpet Inn, in the parish of Pixley, in the County of Hereford, Innkeeper and Wool Dealer, are requested to forward same to Mr CALEB MAILE, of the Hazle, in the parish of Tarrington, in the county aforesaid, his Executor, in order to being examined, and, if found correct, discharged. And all persons indebted to the said Estate will be pleased forthwith to pay the amount of their respective debts to the said CALEB MAILE, or, in default of so doing by the First day of April next, proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof.
Hazle, Tarrington, Ist March, 1856.

Saturday 15 March 1856, Hereford Times. (and other issues of H. Times & Journal)

Maile — June 28, at London-road, Gloucester, Caleb Maile, aged 54 years.

Saturday 07 July 1877, Gloucester Journal.

June 28, at London Rd in this city, Mr. Caleb Maile, bootmaker, aged 51 years

Saturday 30 June 1877, Gloucestershire Chronicle.

Ledbury Petty Sessions, Wednesday.
Setting Fire to a Pigstye
Alice Dance, a respectably-dressed young woman, was charged with setting fire to
a pigstye, the property of Mr. Caleb Maile, of Putley. Remanded till Friday next.

Saturday 3 January 1885, Worcester Journal.


Ref the lovely old black & white Trumpet Inn, Pixley, which is still trading, see

Using the excellent old Trade Directories website, searching Herefordshire c1856 trying to find Richard MAILE at the Trumpet Inn,Pixley, doesn't bear fruit. In fact "The Post Office Directory of Herefordshire, 1856" doesn't list the Inn at all by name, or any Mailes in Pixley. However it does list Caleb Maile as a Farmer in nearby Tarrington.
Similarly the Inn isn't mentioned in the much-more detailed "History, Topography & Directory of Herefordshire, 1858". However the entry for Tarrington does again list Caleb Maile, farmer.

Hopefully this link will take you directly to the 1858 Directory's cover page, from which you can word such "Maile" using the search box just above the image window, and not the one at top of the screen/page as I keep doing ! ;-)

but if not then search from the general home page for Herefordshire here.
These links are best viewed by opening in a new window/tab.


Searching "Caleb Maile" on the net found this webpage showing him listed as a Farmer at Hatsford in the 1876 Littlebury's Directory of Woolhope. It also lists a Peter Maile, farmer at Crews Farm.

Similarly I see he's mentioned in a book, some of which can be read online.

"Three Centuries of a Herefordshire Village: Putley, 1685 Until Now" by Jean I. Currie, pub 2009.
The book was presumably a limited print-run, as now it appears to be rare so costly, hopefully it's available at public librairies.

Hoping this helps, Jeff

Richard MAILE in old newspapers

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, November 25, 2016, 18:35 (3023 days ago) @ Jefff

As Richard Maile appears related to your Caleb, I've found the following articles in the local papers, which I hope are relevant and of interest.

District News, Ledbury.
Misconduct in Service.
On Wednesday last, Ann Seaborn, servant to Mr Richard Maile, of Putley, was charged before Capt Jones, with disobeying his orders, as also those of Mrs Maile, and refusing to perform her accustomed work. Mrs. Maile stated that the defendant came into her service on the 12th of June, and on the 13th July inst. she complained to the defendant that the cows were not properly milked, when defendant told her to milk them herself; she also refused to feed the pigs. Mr Maile corroborated his wife's statement. The defendant, in answer to the charge, said that the cows were never tied up; she had to milk them in the fold, where they caused her to move several times before she could finish milking one cow, but on that day she milked them twice over, although she was very unwell at the time, and Mr Maile cursed her and called her a " scamp," &c; she said she was not hired to feed the pigs. The magistrate told her she could not legally refuse obeying any order of her master or mistress, being a general servant in husbandry. Mrs Maile also said she was very " pert," and would retaliate with her tongue to the tune of ten words for one. In answer to a question, defendant said her friends resided at Winforton. The magistrate said that if the defendant had before been brought to this court upon a similar charge, he should then have considered it his duty to commit her to prison which he should be very sorry to do, but not hearing of any former complaint against her, he had come to the determination of discharging her from the service of complainant, and that the wages due to her for the time she had served should be forfeited.

Saturday 17 July 1847, Hereford Times

Petty Sessions
Cruelty. A boy, named James Nelmes,servant to Mr Richard Maile, of Putley, was charged with this offence.— Mr Maile stated that defendant was driving his team, on Tuesday last, when he saw him lash one of his mares with a whip, which caused the blood to flow from her thigh in three places. Mr Maile added that there was uo occasion to do so, the mare being a capital worker.— The boy said the mare did not work up with the rest. Fined 5s., and 9s. costs.

Saturday 21 July 1849 , Hereford Times.

Sales by Auction
Mr Richard Maile has instructed JOSEPH BIRD TO SELL BY AUCTION, On Monday the 28th April, 1851, (who is leaving the Estate,)
The whole of his valuable LIVE and DEAD STOCK and other EFFECTS, consisting of very prime Milch Cows and other Horned Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, Implements in Husbandry, 50 Hogsheads of Tankard and Family Cider, with other Effects.
Particulars will appear in handbills.

Saturday 19 April 1851, Hereford Times.

Murder of an Infant.
H. Underwood, Esq., coroner, held an inquest on Wednesday, at Weston Cross Inn, in the parish of Weston-under-Penyard, on the body of a female infant that had been found in a pool near to Kingston Court, Weston. Henry Hall, a lad in the employ of Mr. Henry Burgune, of Kingston Court farm, was the first witness called ; he said he was going by the pool on Tuesday morning, and observed a substance floating in the water, and informed Richard Maile of it. Richard Maile went to the pool in consequence of what the boy Hall had told him ; he got the substance out of the pool, which he found to be the body of a female infant. C. E. Thomson, Esq., surgeon, had made a post-mortem examination of the body by direction of the coroner; the child was at its full time; the body was much decomposed, the viscera of the chest and the abdomen were healthy ; the lungs floated in water; there was nothing in the viscera to account for death ; found a contusion above parietal bone; the skull was not fractured, but the injury on the head was sufficient to cause death; he had no doubt the child was born alive, and that death resulted from the blow. A verdict of ”Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown” was returned.

Saturday 20 December 1856 , Monmouthshire Beacon , Gwent

Assault.— Mr. Cecil McCann, fly proprietor, was summoned for assaulting Richard Maile, cab-driver for Mr. Henry Hayes, Malvern Link. Fined 10s. and costs 225. 6d.

Wednesday 29 August 1866, Worcestershire Chronicle.

I see several Richard Mailes/Mayles in the FoD PRs but from earlier times. Unsure without further work, but a quick look at FamilySearch suggests the above articles relate to the following family groups;

1851 Census for Putley, Ledbury, Hfds.

Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Richard Maile Head M 53 Farmer, out of business. Dymock, Gloucestershire
Anne Maile Wife F 50 Wootton, Gloucestershire
John Maile Son M 27 Dymock, Gloucestershire
Richard H Maile Son M 19 Single. Mercer. Munsley, Herefordshire
Charles F Maile Son M 16 Munsley, Herefordshire
Mary A Maile Daughter F 13 Munsley, Herefordshire


1871 Census for Great Malvern, Worcs.

Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Richard H Maile Head M 38 Porter. Mundon, Herefordshire
Jane Maile Wife F 28 Bramford, Worcestershire
Mary A Maile Daughter F 4 Leigh, Worcestershire
Henry C Maile Son M 2 Leigh, Worcestershire


1881 Census for North Malvern Rd, Great Malvern, Worcs.

Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Richard H Maile Head M 47 Draper's Assistant. Pixley, Herefordshire, England
Jane Maile Wife F 37 Bransford, Worcestershire, England
Mary Ann Maile Daughter F 14 Day Servant. Malvern Link, Worcs.
Henry Charles Maile Son M 12 Malvern Link, Worcs.
Georgiana M Maile Daughter F 9 Scholar. North Malvern, Worcs.
Laura K Maile Daughter F 7 North Malvern, Worcs.
Alice M Maile Daughter F 4 North Malvern, Worcs.
Richard J Maile Son M 1 North Malvern, Worcs.
Emma Hunt Sister In Law F 39 Invalid. Bransford, Worcs.
Charles Hunt Brother In Law M 47 Gardener ND. Bransford, Worcs.
Frederick C Hunt Nephew M 16 Errand Boy. Bransford, Worcs.

Caleb MAILE/Sophia CHINN

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Saturday, November 26, 2016, 19:04 (3022 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Ancestry has an image of the will of a Richard MAILE, Yeoman, of the Parish of Dymock in the County of Gloucester, dated 9th August 1821. In it he bequeaths a sum of money to his brother, John MAILE, of the same Parish, and much of his other property to his nephew, Caleb MAILE (“who is now living with me”). He mentions a late sister, Elizabeth, spinster, who was owed a legacy now to be passed to his brother, John.

In a codicil to the will dated 22nd August 1821 he states that, should his brother not receive or expend the whole of the money given to him, then the residue should pass to his brother’s wife, Sarah MAILE.

Caleb MAILE/Sophia CHINN

by hjweare, Monday, December 05, 2016, 16:36 (3013 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Many thanks to all who replied to my query - all replies were very helpful, especially the will of RICHARD MAILE which led me to the whole family of his parents JOHN/JANE MAYEL in Dymock.

My actual ancestor is another RICHARD MAILE a son of JOHN/SARAH MAILE (the brother of the will RICHARD) and I had thought CALEB was his brother from researches in Putley, Herefordshire. The newspaper notice about RICHARD MAILE's estate appears to confirm this.

I had queried CALEB because the only RICHARD born about the right date was a RICHARD MOYLE to JOHN/SARAH and I wanted to find CALEB's birth to the same parents. Although his birth has not been traced his mention in the will confirms to me that he was RICHARD'S brother.

The strange thing is that RICHARD's son CHRISTOPHER, my ancestor, also says he was born in Dymock, about 1821, and yet there is no trace of it, the same as CALEB about 1800. Is anybody aware of any Non-Conformist chapel in the area - I have to admit this is rather a longshot as all RICHARD's other children were baptised in Dymock church.

Caleb MAILE/Sophia CHINN

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Monday, December 05, 2016, 19:21 (3013 days ago) @ hjweare

There are other wills on Ancestry which may be of interest if only for confirmation.

There is an image of the will of Elizabeth MAILE of the Parish of Dymock in the County of Gloucester, spinster, dated 13th November 1817. In it she bequeaths sums of money to her eldest brother, John MAILE, and another brother, Richard MAILE. This money is to be paid from securities due to her from the late John BOWER of Newent. She bequeaths the remainder of her estate to her sister, Mary JONES, wife of Edward JONES of Dymock, mason. In a codicil dated 14th November 1817 she wills that, if her brother John dies before her, the money is to be distributed equally amongst his children.

There is also a will of John MAILE of the Woodland Cottage in the Parish of Dymock in the County of Gloucester. It is dated 21st March 1823. In it he leaves all his estate to his wife Sarah MAILE. Probate was granted to Sarah MAILE on 22nd November 1834, John MAILE having died on 27th May. The value of the estate was under £100.

Edward JONES also left a lengthy will which confirms the details of the will of Elizabeth MAILE.

Caleb MAILE/Sophia CHINN

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Monday, December 05, 2016, 20:31 (3013 days ago) @ hjweare

The strange thing is that RICHARD's son CHRISTOPHER, my ancestor, also says he was born in Dymock, about 1821, and yet there is no trace of it, the same as CALEB about 1800. Is anybody aware of any Non-Conformist chapel in the area - I have to admit this is rather a longshot as all RICHARD's other children were baptised in Dymock church.

Like you I cannot find any trace of Christopher's birth, on Ancestry or within this site's PRs, beyond the references in the 1851 Census and so forth. Similarly I cannot find him mentioned in the old papers.
Regarding possible Non-Conformist activities in Dymock, clearly there were such groups although I've not found much detail. The usual source of such info would be the British History website, however Volume 12 which covers Dymock has only recently been published and is not yet on their website. However the website does have this mention, when describing activities in the city of Gloucester;

"In 1855 a Primitive Methodist mission to Gloucester was established with the help of preachers from Stroud. It covered a large area, including until 1874 Cheltenham, and from 1875 looked after chapels at Broom's Green in Dymock and at Lowbands in Redmarley D'Abitot (Worcs., later Glos.)."

I have no doubt that Volume 12 will include more references to Non-Conformism in Dymock and nearby Kempley, Gloucester public library etc should have a copy for reference.

This Kempley website includes this tantalising reference, but no more detail that I can find yet, suggesting they maybe worth contacting ?
"Van Goulding. Born locally, researcher and historian of the non-conformist movement in Kempley and surrounding parishes"

Finally, please see this old thread for a list of Non-Conformist chapels within the Forest area.

Of course, this doesn't help find actual Parish Records, sorry.
I wonder if you need to look across the border into Herefordshire, which sadly isn't so well-covered online as Gloucestershire. See
More Herefordshire FH links on this old post and my reply

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