Doctor John Carter (Inquests)

by aussie @, Tasmania, Australia, Saturday, December 31, 2016, 23:32 (2987 days ago) @ Jefff

Actually, Jeff, yes I had already seen the posts about Goviers on Rootschat and contacted Jon Shaw via private message at least a year or more ago and he was unable to help me with my Carters. I forgot about it as I have a lot on my mind.

Hi Aussie, clearly you've "googled" this quite a lot, so apologies if you've already seen it, but it seems like some Carter researchers on the Rootschat forum are also confused, despite having the advantage over you of living in Arlingham !


"There were Two Main Carter Families In Arlingham, those at Puckpoole and the Carter Doctors so called because they descended from a phisician and for some reason continued to use the title. Both were wealthy but my line of the Doctors were tradesmen by 1800s. Apparently they were not related but members of both sides resembled my Grandfather. Confused ? And me. They probably intermarried. There probably were some Carpenters in the families but Ive not seen one yet.My 3xGt gfather William b1779 was the only Doctor William I can find so yours May well be a Puckpoole one. At times the Doctors lived At Slowwe House,The Malthouse,Skillers House and Addresses at Overton.Henry was almost certainly a Doctor.. How did you know of Wm Carters residence? The many deeds Ive studied dont give much info on resideces. I have been to the Church many times and hope to walk the village again in the summer Thanks for your reply."

Ref Puckpool Farm, I see this address still exists and has been recorded many times in various Directories etc etc. Personally, altho I can see your thinking Aussie, I doubt this was ever Duckpool. Just yet another odd placename.

atb Jeff

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