Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton (General)

by 10noyrum @, Friday, May 05, 2017, 10:28 (2862 days ago) @ sysum15

A Savaker occurs in my Family Tree as follows:

Generation No. 1

1. RICHARD SAVAKER (born before 1554; buried on 16th January 1613 as RICHARD SAVICAR of Taynton, Gloucestershire; Clerk according to his Will GDR 1613/172) married on 7th July 1595, Elmore, Gloucestershire ALISE BULLOCK. Had issue:
1.1. JOHN SAVAKER baptised 3rd October 1602, Taynton; mentioned as JOHN SAVAKER of Goodrich in the Will of his sister DOROTHY YORATH of Coleford (GDR 1666/67), widow, written 5th July 1662;
1.2. DOROTHY SAVAKER baptised 23rd September 1605, Taynton (ref. 261) (Will of DOROTHY YORATH of Coleford (GDR 1666/67), widow, written 5th July 1662).
2. On October 4th 1575 RICHARD SAVAKER became the Vicar of Brockworth Gloucestershire on the nomination of JOHN GYES, Esquire, and RICHARD OLDISWORTH, Gent. RICHARD SAVAKER resigned from the post on 30th July 1588 (BGAS 7, p17). He was Vicar of Frampton on Severn in 1593, 1594 and 1603.
3. There is a tythe dispute between RICHARD SAVAKER rector v ROBERT ALRIDGE mentioned in GDR/B4/3/1154 year 1609.

Generation No. 2

4. WILLIAM YORATH (born about 1596; Will GDR 1662/20 written 5th November 1661, Coleford: witnesses JOHN BENFIELD and JOHN SAVAKER (his brother in law, baptised Taynton 3rd October 1602)) married DOROTHY SAVAKER (baptised 23rd September 1605, Taynton, father RICHARD SAVIKAR; Will GDR 1666/67 of Coleford, widow, written 1662; JOHN SAVAKER mentioned as brother in Will; mentioned in the Will of her husband GDR 1662/20 written 5th November 1661). Had issue:
4.1. PHILLIP YERROTH eldest son according to the Will of his mother GDR 1666/67 written 1662.

Generation No. 3

5. PHILLIP YERROTH (born before 1649) married 25th June 1667, Monmouth ANN WILLIAMS (buried 12th August 1686, Newland, por: Coleford (ref. 12).). Had issue:
5.1. DOROTHY YERROTH baptised 11th January 1677, Newland, por: Coleford.

Generation No. 4

6. RICHARD MORGAN(8) (mt ancestor) married on 3rd November 1698 DOROTHY YORATH.

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