George Reeks born 1779 Woolaston (General)
by diana white , Thursday, June 08, 2017, 19:57 (2772 days ago)
Hi hope this is the right place to ask this but I have hit a huge brick wall. I am trying to find the first wife of George Reeks? He was christened in 1779 in Woolastone. His daughter was Sophia baptised on the 15th April 1792 and married my line George Blower. On Sophias baptism it states her mother as Mary but I cannot find a marriage for George and Mary. I am presuming Mary died as George married in 1807 to Elizabeth Thomas. I cannot find a death for a Mary Reeks except for one in 1797 which would fit but she was a widow?? I have been days trying to figure this one out. Help!!!
Thanks Di from Somerset
George Reeks
by MPGriffiths , Thursday, June 08, 2017, 21:15 (2772 days ago) @ diana white
George REEKS born 1779 and had Sophia in 1792, (would make George 13)
George REEKS christened 28 March 1779 was the son of Thomas & Jane REEKS
for background
Forest of Dean records
Marriage at Woolaston - 10 May 1807
George REEKS (Widower) - residence: Tidenham
Elizabeth THOMAS - Spinster - residence: Woolaston
by Banns
witnesses: Richard EXCELL and Fanny REEKS
(this couple married 13 July 1807, witnesses: George & Elizabeth REEKS)
Children christened at Woolaston of George & Mary REEKS - on the Fod Records - these start at 1784 and end 1798
John 1784 ***
Fanny 1786
Samuel 1789 (buried 31 January 1791, son of George & Mary)
Sophia 1792
William 1795
George - 1798
? George REEKS must have been c 1764
??? Burial at Woolaston, 16 March 1817, George REEKS aged 69 = c1748
Marriage at Woolaston - 25 July 1805
John REEKS, Bachelor of Woolaston
Amalia SIMS, Spinster of Wollaston
mark of George & Mary REEKS
George Reeks
by grahamdavison , Friday, June 09, 2017, 10:24 (2772 days ago) @ MPGriffiths
There is a baptism at Woolaston on 4 April 1750 of Gorg son of John/Mary REEKS, I have looked at the parish register on Ancestry and the name is definitely spelt Gorg!!
George Reeks
by MPGriffiths , Friday, June 09, 2017, 16:57 (2772 days ago) @ grahamdavison
There is a previous thread from 18 November 2010
'Criminal Record of George Reeks'
Born 1796 to Simon REEKS and Jane RAVENHILL of Woolaston and transported to NSW in 1829 and the contributor - 26 May 2011
'I think George REEKS is the son of George REEKS born c1750 (brother of Simon REEKS) and Mary (surname unknown) etc etc.'
George Reeks
by diana white , Saturday, June 10, 2017, 20:41 (2770 days ago) @ grahamdavison
Thank you for sending me this information. I really am beginning to think Gorg is my man!! The George I have put in my tree was born in 1779 but when you see the ages of his children it does not add up. He would of being having children at the age of 13!!!
THank you so much for your info I think I will have a look at your George or Gorg on Ancestry
Many thanks
REEKS/REEKES - 'Mini-crime wave'
by MPGriffiths , Sunday, June 11, 2017, 13:12 (2770 days ago) @ diana white
By checking the Gloucestershire Genelogical Database for Goal records of Reeks/Reekes at Woolastone/Woolaston
There are 7 listed (will see what they got up to on Ancestry)
Sarah REEKS - aged 30 - Date of Committal : 25 June 1817
Francis REEKS - aged 21 - 16 January 1827
George REEKES - aged 27 - 22 April 1828
John REEKS - aged 24 - 20 June 1830
John REEKES - 28 - 31 July 1841
Mary REEKES - aged 74 - 16 August 1841 (found not quilty)
Ancestry, Gloucestershire Prison Records
Mary REEKS - 5 foot tall - Grey hair, Brown eyes, round visage, common complextion, labourer
Charged on the oath of Philip FISHER with feloniously having in her profesfion knowing it to be stolen a quanity of 'leather' **??? his property. Behaviour orderly.
* the word leather - is in the fold of the book
1841 census Woolaston
John REEKS - 37
Hannah REEKS - 66
Hariett REEKS - 22
Mary REEKS - 73
John REEKS - 40
Charles REEKS - 28
John REEKES - aged 28 - 31 July 1841 was also found not guilty of stealing leather from Philip FISHER
1841 census Woolaston
Philip FISHER - - aged 25 Shoemaker
Philip FISHER 75 - B Smith
REEKS/REEKES - 'Mini-crime wave'
by MPGriffiths , Sunday, June 11, 2017, 13:47 (2770 days ago) @ MPGriffiths
It's good to have a criminal in ones family - the description of these people are incredible from Goal records
George REEKES - aged 21 - 16 January 1827
24 April 1828
Charged on the oath of Thomas DUNN of the Parish of Tidenham with feloniously stealing a certain quantity of wheat the Property of Alexander TROTTER Esq. out of a barn in the occupation of the sd Alexander TROTTER in the Parish of Woolaston.
Dark Sandy Hair
sandy whiskers
sandy completion
dark eyes
long face
irregular teeth
a scar right eyebrow
several marks on his neck
a mole on his right side
a mole on his right shoulder
not read
5 foot 4 and half an inch
Summer of Afsizes - 13 August 1828 - death recorded
Removed - 8 September 1828
Behaviour: Orderly
Sarah REEKES 25 January 1817 aged 30 (ignoramus)
Charged on the oath of John Jones, Bailiff to Thomas Davey Whittick Esq, on suspicion of feloniously stealing one hemper bag the property of the said Thomas Davey Whittick of Woolaston aforesaid.
Dark brown hair
dark brown eyes
oval face
forefinger right hand injured at the end and contracted at the end a scar upon the little finger left hand
not read
Height: 5' 1"
Discharged by Proclamation
Francis REEKS - aged 21, 16 January 1827 - had already been in Littledean House of Correction aged 14 - 27 February 1821
This time he had stolen a horse collar etc.
Dark hair
dark eyebrows and whiskers
high forehead
rather short nose
round face
irregular teeth
sevl moles on his neck and breast
FRSG and anchor on left arm
4 hearts on back left hand
a heart on forefinger ring
mark on other fingers
large mark on other arm from a cut heat three first fingers rt hand
not read, labourer, height 5'5 inches
Behaved badly
Francis REEKS christened at Woolaston 14 April 1806, parents John & Hannah
John REEKS aged 24 - 20 June 1830 - along with John POWELL aged 54
Both charged together
Charges on the oath of John PITCHER and John CADLE and others with the felonious stealing a quantity of wheat in the chaff the property of John PITCHER of the Parish of Tidenham Farmer.
(along dark eyes
/short in stature/irregular teeth etc and lots of moles - seems a REEK trait!)
Dark brown hair, short face, brown eyebrows, dark eyes, scar over left eyebrow, large mole over the same eye, two moles in opposite right corner of the mouth, mole left cheek bones, moles on the chin, 2 moles rt side of the neck, moles below corner left ear, mole over right breast, two moles elbow joint, three moles left arm between below and wrist. Mark of a burn right shin, four moles back of shoulder, four moles right side of the back of the neck. Large mole and several small ones bet shoulder.
Not read, labourer. 5' 3 and three quarters in height Orderly.
3 Calendar months - 13 July 1830 - removed 16 July 1830.
REEKS/REEKES - 'Mini-crime wave'
by diana white , Sunday, June 11, 2017, 20:27 (2769 days ago) @ MPGriffiths
Hi thanks again for all the info on the Reeks/Reekes. O my goodness they did seem like a bad lot!!! I think Francis is the worst. I did chuckle when I saw he behaved badly in court. Yes I agree it is a wonderful insight into the way they looked, fantastic descriptions right down to their moles!!!
I do hope my Sophia was an exception to the rule and I have not found anything bad for her. I did however, find one of my Blower clan assaulted a woman and was given a month hard labour for that? Again fascinating seeing the description of him. Dark hair sallow skin and hazel eyes which is exactly how mum and I were. Our colouring identical. She always told me it was the welsh in us. She counted the Forest as so close to the border to be welsh.
My husband and I have been down to the forest a couple of times visiting Lydney and Bream which I know is not that far from Woolaston. I did not realise until I did the full tree that my Blowers also come from there.
Hoping to this summer,to come down again to Woolaston and see what we can find in St. Andrews churchyard.
Thank you so much for the Reeks mini crime wave. I have printed it all out to put in my folder for them
Best Regards
Di from Somerset
George Reeks born 1779 Woolaston
by diana white , Saturday, June 10, 2017, 20:37 (2770 days ago) @ MPGriffiths
HI mpgriffiths
Thank you so much for your information. Still a bit confused which George Reeks I am putting in my tree?? The one born in 1779 or the one born in 1750. 1779 does seem to young to have a family starting in 1784?? It probably is more likely that Gorg is in fact the one I need born in 1750.
I did notice in Ancestry that the Woolaston records for around the time the Reeks children were being born were very bad copies. I do wonder if the marriage for George and Mary were amongst these almost destroyed records??
I found George Juniors account of prison very interesting but very sad that just stealing one sheep he was first given a death sentence and then transportation. Still a very harsh sentence and such hard times and laws. Did you know if he was married and had children to leave, which again would have been very hard times for them.
Thank you so much for your help. I love doing my family tree but sometimes it can be very frustrating!!
Best regards
George Reeks born 1779 Woolaston
by Mr David Carr , Wednesday, August 23, 2017, 21:47 (2696 days ago) @ diana white
Hi, Sorry to bother you. My wifes mother was a REEKS and I have built a REEKS family tree for her. Amongst my research is the said George Reeks who went on holiday to Australia.
If my findings may be of help to you I would be more than happy to share the results with you
David Carr