REEKS/REEKES - 'Mini-crime wave' (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Sunday, June 11, 2017, 13:47 (2826 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

It's good to have a criminal in ones family - the description of these people are incredible from Goal records

George REEKES - aged 21 - 16 January 1827

24 April 1828

Charged on the oath of Thomas DUNN of the Parish of Tidenham with feloniously stealing a certain quantity of wheat the Property of Alexander TROTTER Esq. out of a barn in the occupation of the sd Alexander TROTTER in the Parish of Woolaston.

Dark Sandy Hair
sandy whiskers
sandy completion
dark eyes
long face
irregular teeth
a scar right eyebrow
several marks on his neck
a mole on his right side
a mole on his right shoulder
not read
5 foot 4 and half an inch

Summer of Afsizes - 13 August 1828 - death recorded
Removed - 8 September 1828

Behaviour: Orderly


Sarah REEKES 25 January 1817 aged 30 (ignoramus)

Charged on the oath of John Jones, Bailiff to Thomas Davey Whittick Esq, on suspicion of feloniously stealing one hemper bag the property of the said Thomas Davey Whittick of Woolaston aforesaid.

Dark brown hair
dark brown eyes
oval face
forefinger right hand injured at the end and contracted at the end a scar upon the little finger left hand
not read

Height: 5' 1"

Discharged by Proclamation


Francis REEKS - aged 21, 16 January 1827 - had already been in Littledean House of Correction aged 14 - 27 February 1821

This time he had stolen a horse collar etc.

Dark hair
dark eyebrows and whiskers
high forehead
rather short nose
round face
irregular teeth
sevl moles on his neck and breast
FRSG and anchor on left arm
4 hearts on back left hand
a heart on forefinger ring
mark on other fingers
large mark on other arm from a cut heat three first fingers rt hand
not read, labourer, height 5'5 inches

Behaved badly

Francis REEKS christened at Woolaston 14 April 1806, parents John & Hannah


John REEKS aged 24 - 20 June 1830 - along with John POWELL aged 54
Both charged together

Charges on the oath of John PITCHER and John CADLE and others with the felonious stealing a quantity of wheat in the chaff the property of John PITCHER of the Parish of Tidenham Farmer.

(along dark eyes
/short in stature/irregular teeth etc and lots of moles - seems a REEK trait!)

Dark brown hair, short face, brown eyebrows, dark eyes, scar over left eyebrow, large mole over the same eye, two moles in opposite right corner of the mouth, mole left cheek bones, moles on the chin, 2 moles rt side of the neck, moles below corner left ear, mole over right breast, two moles elbow joint, three moles left arm between below and wrist. Mark of a burn right shin, four moles back of shoulder, four moles right side of the back of the neck. Large mole and several small ones bet shoulder.
Not read, labourer. 5' 3 and three quarters in height Orderly.

3 Calendar months - 13 July 1830 - removed 16 July 1830.

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