William WILLIAMS + Ellen LANDER 1881 Cinderford (General)

by DonaldJellyman, Saturday, November 18, 2006, 05:14 (6683 days ago) @ Tony

Hello Tony,
I posted a reply to you earlier but something happened which prevented it from being forwarded - something to do with logging- in error although my browser was telling me that I was already logged in. I also posted the other day 4 photo images of Dinah Green (who would have been your Gt,Grandmother and her children born in Cinderford - Ida, Arthur,and also her youngest child Amy, my mother). Since these have not appeared anywhere, I can only assume that they have gone astray also !!
Anyway here is a shortened version of the message I posted to you.
I spoke with cousin Dorothy (Dolly) who told me, relative to the information in the 1901 Census, that the Hyde Lane address where William Williams and Ellen (Lander) Williams were situated she knew. In fact she was born there in 1914 at the outbreak of the first World War, which means that Ida Lander must have been there at the time naturally !! Dinah (Green) Lander and family would also have been there from time to time. She remembered William Williams and used to visit them at May Hill where among others William was born. She mentioned Rose, William,Ben, Reggie and Gladys.
She said that William was always called Harry.
She knew of Frederick Williams. With regard to the name Beard she said that one of the Williams had married his cousin who was a Beard. This would be reason for the linking of the two family names, with the maternal name being added, in the same way that Edwin Lander named his son William Edwin Gyde Lander in 1856. Bear in mind that there was already a connection with the Beard family through Dinah Green from Huntley whose mother Elizabeth Ann married George Beard. So it seems there might be a double connection between the Williams and Beard families. More research is needed.
Dolly also mentioned George Williams who she particularly liked. She seemed to suggest that the Williams who married his Beard cousin might have had two children - Martin and a girl whose name she couldn't remember.
Anyway, not bad for a woman in her mid-nineties and blind ! I did not wish to get her upset by concentrating too hard with past memories.
I hope some of this information might open new doors to get more information.
Nice to think that we both have Ellen Lander in common as my Aunt and your Grandmother, and even more so her mother Dinah (Beard?) Green.


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