Redhill, Redmarley (General)

by anna_r, Wednesday, June 20, 2018, 14:19 (2401 days ago) @ Jefff

Hi there,

I know you may no longer be interested in this thread given it goes back a bit but I believe the estate in question is the Down House which my family owned until two months ago. Monique de la pasture lived there with her husband George Bullough. I believe they had an unconventional marriage and he lived at the house while she was in one of the cottages belonging to the estate - perhaps this is where the redhill link comes in?

We recently (sadly) sold off many items from the estate as we had to sell including old servants bells. The cellars and the walls have old notes from people who used to work there and my sister and I loved to run around finding these when we were little.

Hope that helps a bit,


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