Searching Forest of Dean Parish Records (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Tuesday, November 21, 2006, 20:36 (6680 days ago)

As a temporary solution in making the Parish Records a little easier to search.

In the Burial section only at this stage. I've set the search facility up so you are able to search through all the 24 Parishes at the same time. We have so far a total number of 45,041 burial records transcribed which are in the database.

Searching through a flat database as this facility is, the optimal searching performance is reduced when the number of records exceeds 6,000.

Being on a fast Broadband connection myself, I have not experienced any adverse performance when doing searches in the Burial section.

How the searching performance will be for those of you who are not on Broadband connections I am unsure.

Would be kind enough to do a few sample searches in the Burial section and send me back a little feedback.

Members Area

Searching Parish Burial Records

by bertha, Tuesday, November 21, 2006, 21:40 (6680 days ago) @ admin

Hi Dave,
This is so much quicker now and also cuts out names that are not relevant to the ones you're searching for.
Hopefully you can extend this facility to the marriages and baptisms section

Regards Bertha

Baptism and Marriage records

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 01:24 (6680 days ago) @ admin

After receiving many positive responses regarding the facility for searching the Burials records.
This facility has now been added to the Baptism and Marriage records also.

Searching Forest of Dean Parish Records

by Ann @, Cheltenham, Glos, Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 03:42 (6680 days ago) @ admin

Just tried out your new system with my notoriously slow ISP. Searching is amazing,simple and not at all slow. Members searching for the first time will be very impressed.

Thank you for this improvement, look forward to the next.

Ann Duesbury.

Searching Forest of Dean Parish Records

by Scott, Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 04:44 (6680 days ago) @ admin


This is wonderful. I did a few general searches on my GRINDLE and HALE surnames and the records came back almost immediately. The HALE search turned up 438 records in the blink of an eye.


Searching Forest of Dean Parish Records

by jimashton @, Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 04:51 (6680 days ago) @ admin

Absolutely Brilliant. Thanks a lot.
Jim Ashton

Searching Forest of Dean Parish Records

by michellepowell, Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 10:03 (6679 days ago) @ admin

Fantastic, makes searching so much easier, thank you.

Searching Forest of Dean Parish Records

by faymaree, Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 19:24 (6679 days ago) @ admin

Well, I'm on broadband, so maybe this is not much help, but what I tried was brilliant!!


Searching Forest of Dean Parish Records

by cjtrigg, Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 23:47 (6679 days ago) @ faymaree

This is excellent, and I have no problems with speed. However, I searched the Baptisms database yesterday for Trigg, turned up some good results and clicked on 'More Info' - which took me to an entirely different record, not even a Trigg mentioned! I repeated this with different searches but I seemed to have the same problem each time, the 'more info' link wasn't actually related to the record I wished to see...

More Info - different record

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 23:57 (6679 days ago) @ cjtrigg

The same problem you have just mentioned was brought to my attention yesterday. I believe the changes I made at the time has resolved the problem.

Would you please try again and let me know if all is ok now.

Info entered in the wrong fields

by Shirleyanne @, Solihull, Thursday, November 23, 2006, 07:46 (6678 days ago) @ admin

I've tried the new search and it is fantastic - quick response and saves searching each parish individually.
But I have noticed a problem with a quite a few the records, where the info has been entered into the wrong fields, eg the christian name is in the surname area. See the record for the marriage of John Bates and Anne Dunsmore on 26 Sep 1831
Examples from a search are shown below:
Sep John Anne More Detail
Nov John Elizabeth More Detail
Dec John Sophia More Detail
Oct James Caroline More Detail
May John Jane More Detail
Jan James full age Mary Anne full age More Detail
Oct John full age Elizabeth 20 More Detail
Nov Jacob full age Mary Ann full age More Detail

Info entered in the wrong fields

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, November 23, 2006, 15:27 (6678 days ago) @ Shirleyanne


Made a few nore changes and tested it all out. It now appears to be working as it should.

If you encounter any further problems please advise me.

Searching Forest of Dean Parish Records

by gwrmad @, Caister on Sea Norfolk, Saturday, November 25, 2006, 10:50 (6676 days ago) @ cjtrigg

Although it may appear their is no link quite often the name you are seeking appears as a witness or a sponsor of a birth.

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