Kear Family of Parkend (General)

by michellepowell, Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 09:44 (6679 days ago)

I am looking into the Kear family of Parkend in 1841, I have James and Harriet and the names of all their children but I am interested in going back to James's father and grandfather. In 1841 they were living in the Fountain Inn at Parkend and in 1785 the pub which was then a large house was sold to a John Keare, so I am trying to find if the two are related. It is possible the spelling of the surname was changed at some point and James dropped the 'e' from the end of his name. If anyone has any information on the family back then or anything about the house as it was before 1785 I would be very interested as I am the current Landlady of the pub and am researching the history of it residents.

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