Noah Cutter (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, August 30, 2018, 02:17 (2381 days ago) @ shepway

sometimes the free-access FamilySearch site finds records easier than the subscription sites. In this case I searched "Jame albert Cutler" born between "1820" and "1830" and the very first hit without giving any more info was the 1841 Census.
Sure it doesnt have the actual image, so hard to tell exactly which household is which, and the FamilySearch site transcripts don't give all the info off the later Census' forms, but I suggest still well-worth using if only as a pointer or backup. Especially as it's very user-friendly and always offers good alternative spellings etc.

Hope this link works (btw it's always wise to open links in a new tab/page)


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