Baptism record of Daniel Arnold (General)

by PatFrancis, Thursday, November 23, 2006, 05:33 (6678 days ago) @ Joanne

Hi Joanne
Thanks for your input. Yes, Daniel was married to Ann,and their son William Harding Arnold was my gt grandad. We have found that William and his wife Alice had at least 17 children, although the transcribed parish records have a conflict on this and there could have been as many as 20. The parish record of the death of James Arnold b.1888 d.Jan 1897 has a comment "of his 14 children Arnold has now buried 9". The parish record for the birth of Harry Arnold May 1897 has a comment "this is the 18th child". We have not yet been able to look at the original to find out which is correct.
I would be interested to see what info you have on the family.
Hope to hear from you.
Pat Francis

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