How old is a spinster? - marriage of Richard Nelms 1841 (General)

by jimashton @, Sunday, November 26, 2006, 03:03 (6675 days ago) @ BonnieNelms

Hi Bonnie
I'm sure you are now fully acquainted with the description Spinster - I married one as well !!
I'm more interested in the Eliza Baldwin who married Richard Nelmes. I have an Eliza Baldwin in my family tree baptised 3.7.1825 Abenhall with parents James and Ann. I have this Eliza as marrying a John Bennett 31.5.1846 Abenhall (see this web site parish records) and one of the witnesses was Charlotte Baldwin and Eliza happens to have a sister Charlotte. This Eliza is not related to me but is connected as her brother George baptised 15.11.1829 Abenhall married a Jane Burris 16.2.1851 Abenhall they had 6 children and one of them - Lucy married Timothy Marfell. I have incidentally, been unable to find John Bennett and Eliza in the 1851 Census and I hope "Slowhands" will swiftly put this right !!

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