Thomas BOWERY ancestors, Dymock (General)

by rbowery, Thursday, November 30, 2006, 10:14 (6671 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks. I've been using the same census info so far. The different places of birth confused me at first but now I think I see what has happened. Thomas Bowery snr (b.1848) was, I believe, born in Dymock. As was his first son Thomas Henry Jnr (b. 1881, Farrs, Dymock), and his two closest siblings Louisa Bowery b.1876, Edith Emily Bowery b.1883, Farrs Dymock. Not sure about the 'Farrs', I guess that was the name of a residence. I've googled it and looked at the online maps, but couldn't find anything to indicate where exactly this might be in the Dymock area.

I think the 1901 census indicating Taynton as Thomas Bowery Snr's place of birth is incorrect, it was just where they were living at that time (Specifically: Shuard's Cottage, Glasshouse, Taynton) ? It seems they moved from Dymock to Taynton where Thomas Snr. eventually died (Source: Death Certificate). This would explain why the later siblings were born in Taynton. One of my deceased relatives had told stories of going from Parkend to Dymock via Taynton to visit relatives (in a horse and cart !), so this perhaps backs this up also.

Hadn't thought of whether he (Thomas Snr) took the name Bowery in later life, something to look into, I have no info on that for now. But he certainly was using the Bowery name when he married in 1876. A he was a soldier, and by that time almost 28 years of age, I would guess he had been using it for a while if not his birth name. Looks like his army record will be useful (If he served as Thomas Bowery !) Therefore he is likely not on the 1871 census with other family if he was in the army at the time.

Possibly related - there was an article published in the Glos. Citizen about his wife which I am trying to trace via the Glos. archives. They did a piece on her as it was unusual for a Spanish woman to be in those parts at the time, and caused a bit of a stir. If I do get hold of this it might help explain the movements. Note that her name varies between Anna, Ana, Hannah on the census - her actual name was Anna. Another example of the census taker writing what they thought they had heard perhaps ?


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