YEMM of East Dean/Abinghall (General)

by bertha, Monday, January 01, 2007, 11:02 (6639 days ago) @ lindylou

Taken from the Parish Records section of this site

Entry Number: 749
Year: 1814
Month: Oct
Day: 9
Groom Surname: TRIGG
Groom Forenames: James
Groom Age at Marriage: [not stated]
Groom Condition: [not stated]
Groom Rank or Profession: [not stated]
Groom Residence: extraparochial land adjoining this parish
Groom Father's Surname: [not stated]
Groom Father's Forenames: [not stated]
Groom Father's Rank or Profession: [not stated]
Bride Surname: YEAM
Brides Forenames: Charlotte
Bride Age at Marriage: [not stated]
Bride Condition: [not stated]
Bride Rank or Profession: [not stated]
Bride Residence: extraparochial land adjoining this parish
Bride Father's surname: [not stated]
Bride Father's Forenames: [not stated]
Bride Father's Rank or Profession: [not stated]
Licence or Banns: Banns
Dates of Banns: 1814 Sep 11 18 25
Siganture or Mark: Both sign
Witness 1: Mark of William Barnett
Witness 2: Mark of Ann Barnett
Other witnesses:
Officiating Minister: J[ohn] Seager Curate
Event Type: M
Memoranda: With consent of Parents
Transcriber's Notes: Banns are in P138 IN 1/7 page 117
Register Reference: P138 IN 1/8
Page Number: 10
Parish/Chapel Name: English Bicknor

Entry Number: 91
Year: 1824
Month: Oct
Day: 7
Surname: TRIGG
Forenames: James
Place of Residence: Forest of Dean
Age at Death: 42
Officiating Minister: W[illia]m Parkley Off[iciating] Min[ister]
Type of event: Burial
Cause of Death:
Transcriber's Notes:
Register Reference: P1 IN 1/11
Page Number: 12
Church/Chapel: Abenhall

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