Moses Hale born c1849-51 East Dean (General)

by diresearch, Friday, January 12, 2007, 04:27 (6628 days ago)

I am looking for anyone who has a Moses Hale born c1849-51 in East Dean and who moved to South Wales (Cwmtillery/Abertillery) c1889 with a Martha Davi(e)s, also from East Dean, daughter of William and Eliza, born 1866. From family information, I thought I had the correct one, ie Moses Hale, son of John Hale and Eliza Smith born 1849 in Joys Green East Dean as after searching through various census, parish records etc cannot find another born around that time. However a spanner has been thrown in the works, in that I have two death certificates - one for Gloucestershire and one for Wales - two years apart!! If anyone can help with any further information that I may have missed I would greatly appreciate their help. Many thanks, Diane

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