Miss Pricilla GRIFFITHS, Ruardean (General)

by EdwardMaldonado, Thursday, February 01, 2007, 08:31 (6608 days ago)

To whom it may concern,

I am trying to reach some one in the Ruardean area that could provide
me with information on, or birth records for the Griffiths family. I
am looking for materials that may be found in Church records relating
to a Miss Priscilla Griffiths who lived in the village around 1828,
may have attended the Ruardean School in 1828, and would likely have
been born between 1810 and 1822. She may have married Mr. James
Horlick but I do not have a date for the marriage.
I am researching a Sampler that was likely made in England by this
woman. The Sampler is dated October 31, 1828 and there is a
reference to a Rverdean (sp?) School. She would have been a young
girl at the time the Sampler was made.

Can you provide me with an e-mail address for someone to contact or
point me in the right direction? Thank you.

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