Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton (General)

by Lesley, Thursday, February 01, 2007, 08:45 (6608 days ago)

Does anyone know of the above or their family after 1912? Richard was a Woodsman in 1912. I know they had at least one son, Reginald Edwin Richard, who was baptised in Pauntley church in 1912. I lose track of them after that date, both in Pauntley and Taynton.

Any help gratefully received!

Lesley Harding

Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton

by willow, Saturday, February 10, 2007, 10:05 (6599 days ago) @ Lesley

Hi do you have anymore info on Edith, I have Savegar/Savagar in my tree

Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton

by Lesley, Sunday, February 11, 2007, 09:49 (6598 days ago) @ willow

You may remember we had some correspondence last year on Savagars and I am still looking for this particular branch. Edith was the eldest daughter of Edwin and Amy (Edwin was James's son and I think Fanny's brother). Edith was born in around 1885 and married Richard Sysum of Taynton (Farm Labourer) in 1909 in Pauntley, Gloucestershire and they had at least one child, Reginald Edwin Richard, born 1912. I am hoping to trace some descendants as I have so far drawn a blank on Edwin's family - both sons died and two of the daughters so not much to go on! Another surviving daughter, Amy, also married, to Arthur James Cook in 1924 but I have not been able to find any descendants so far. The other surviving daughter, Louise, I have not been able to track down yet.

Don't know if that's of any interest but I don't think it's the same branch as the one you are looking at?


Edith SYSUM nee SAVAGAR 1885 - 1953 - Associated thread

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 05:31 (6596 days ago) @ Lesley

Name: Edith Savagar
Year of Registration: 1885
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
District: Bromyard
County: Herefordshire, Hereford and Worcester, Worcestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 504

Name: Richard Sysum
Name: Edith Savagar
Year of Registration: 1909
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
District: Newent
County: Gloucestershire, Herefordshire
Volume: 6a
Page: 607

SYSUM Richard
Gloucester Pauntley St John the Evangelist
1909 58 No 1 89

Name:Edith Sysum
Birth Date:abt 1885
Date of Registration:Jun 1953
Age at Death:68
Registration District:Stroud
Inferred County:Gloucestershire

Name:Edith Sysum
Probate Date:18 Jun 1953
Death Date:2 Apr 1953
Death Place:Gloucestershire, England
Registry:Gloucestershire, England

Sysum Edith of Hill View Vicarage st Painswick
(wife if Richard Sysum) died 2nd April 1953
Probate Gloucester 18 June to Laura Savager spinster
Effects £1123 3s 2d

Name:Richard Sysum & Edith E Morgan
Date of Registration:Apr-May-Jun 1953
Registration District:Gloucester City
Inferred County:Gloucestershire
Volume Number:7b
Page Number:860

Name:Richard Sysum
Birth Date:abt 1885
Date of Registration:Sep 1962
Age at Death:77
Registration District:Gloucester City
Inferred County:Gloucestershire

Laura Savagar born about 1895

by lesleyh, Sunday, April 05, 2009, 10:50 (5814 days ago) @ slowhands

Does anyone have any information later than the 1901 Census, about Laura Savagar, born about 1895 at Ocle Pitchard, Herefordshire? She disappears from the record by the 1911 Census and I wonder if she died? She would have been a bit young to have married by this date (about 16, so just possible) but could also be in service somewhere not well covered by the 1911 Census (which seems to me to be rather patchy and name spellings often very wrong).

Lesley Harding

Laura Savagar born about 1895

by shepway @, Sunday, April 05, 2009, 12:32 (5814 days ago) @ lesleyh

Birth Registration:

Births Dec 1894
Savagar Laura Bromyard 6a 494

1911 Census:
1 results found. You searched for:
First names LAURA
First names Algorithm Exact
Last names SAVAGOR
Last names Algorithm Exact
Birth Year 1895
Birth Year +/- 1 years
Birth Place HEREFORD

HOUSEHOLD SAVAGOR LAURA F 1895 16 Gloucester Gloucestershire

Possible death:
Name: Laura Savagar
Birth Date: 10 Nov 1894
Death Registration Month/Year: May 1987
Age at death (estimated): 92
Registration district: Stroud
Inferred County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 22
Page: 2033


Laura Savagar born about 1895

by lesleyh, Monday, April 06, 2009, 06:52 (5813 days ago) @ shepway

Thank you for this - I tried all variations on Savagar but I don't think I tried Savagor! I think the death is the Laura Savagar I am looking for as her family moved to Cranham, Stroud, in around 1916.

Lesley Harding

Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton

by sysum, Thursday, September 17, 2009, 07:50 (5649 days ago) @ Lesley

richard sysum is my grandad on my dad's side i did hear that he had a son with edith savagar and then married my nan not sure when ive just started to do my family tree sharon

Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton

by sysum, Thursday, September 17, 2009, 07:52 (5649 days ago) @ Lesley

renginald passed away 2 months old and then richard married edith osbourne yours sharon

Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton

by Alan Tyndall, Sunday, November 15, 2009, 21:46 (5589 days ago) @ sysum

Edith Sysum (nee Savagar)was my mother's aunt and it is believed her son died young. Edie became a servant to the De Winton family near Sandhust and passed away 30 or more years ago She looked after Thomas De Winton who became a house master in New Zealand

Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton

by lesleyh, Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 09:43 (5588 days ago) @ sysum

Sorry for the delay in coming back to you but I had not expected any more information so this was a nice surprise. If Richard remarried I presume Edith died young? Do you know if they had moved from Taynton by then as I have not found any further records of them.


Lesley Harding

Laura Savagar born about 1895

by Lechick25 @, Monday, June 24, 2013, 22:46 (4272 days ago) @ lesleyh

Hi, my great nan was called laura savagar, and married into a probert family, laura had 3 girls, laura ,viv & rona, my name is actually called laura i was named after her, this the same family?

Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton

by sysum72, Wednesday, October 02, 2013, 19:16 (4173 days ago) @ lesleyh

hi hope u get this been awhile well edith sysum (savagar)was married to grandad till she pasted away they was not living together but i would say that she would have been in gloucester as at that time he was living with my nan but i was told that she still went round to see my nan and grandad and they got married after her passing ive losted both my parents to cancer so trying to do this with help of others as my dad did start it off and edith savagar passed away at a gd age i was told so she was not young just wondering where do u live im in gloucester x

Laura Ellen SAVEGAR / William PROBERT ( Abergavenny)

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, October 03, 2013, 12:39 (4172 days ago) @ Lechick25

Name:Laura Ellen Savager
Date of Registration:Jul-Aug-Sep 1894
Registration District:Abergavenny
Inferred County:Monmouthshire

Surname First name(s) Spouse District Vol Page
Marriages Mar 1918 (>99%)
Probert William Abergavenny 11a74
Savegar Laura Abergavenny 11a74

Name:Laura E Probert
Birth Date:abt 1895
Date of Registration:Mar 1956
Age at Death:61
Registration District:Abergavenny
Inferred County:Monmouthshire

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton

by sysum15, Thursday, May 04, 2017, 21:53 (2862 days ago) @ lesleyh

hi sorry its been a while but i was unable to get on here so i had to set up a new account hows it going with the family tree xx

Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton

by 10noyrum @, Friday, May 05, 2017, 10:28 (2862 days ago) @ sysum15

A Savaker occurs in my Family Tree as follows:

Generation No. 1

1. RICHARD SAVAKER (born before 1554; buried on 16th January 1613 as RICHARD SAVICAR of Taynton, Gloucestershire; Clerk according to his Will GDR 1613/172) married on 7th July 1595, Elmore, Gloucestershire ALISE BULLOCK. Had issue:
1.1. JOHN SAVAKER baptised 3rd October 1602, Taynton; mentioned as JOHN SAVAKER of Goodrich in the Will of his sister DOROTHY YORATH of Coleford (GDR 1666/67), widow, written 5th July 1662;
1.2. DOROTHY SAVAKER baptised 23rd September 1605, Taynton (ref. 261) (Will of DOROTHY YORATH of Coleford (GDR 1666/67), widow, written 5th July 1662).
2. On October 4th 1575 RICHARD SAVAKER became the Vicar of Brockworth Gloucestershire on the nomination of JOHN GYES, Esquire, and RICHARD OLDISWORTH, Gent. RICHARD SAVAKER resigned from the post on 30th July 1588 (BGAS 7, p17). He was Vicar of Frampton on Severn in 1593, 1594 and 1603.
3. There is a tythe dispute between RICHARD SAVAKER rector v ROBERT ALRIDGE mentioned in GDR/B4/3/1154 year 1609.

Generation No. 2

4. WILLIAM YORATH (born about 1596; Will GDR 1662/20 written 5th November 1661, Coleford: witnesses JOHN BENFIELD and JOHN SAVAKER (his brother in law, baptised Taynton 3rd October 1602)) married DOROTHY SAVAKER (baptised 23rd September 1605, Taynton, father RICHARD SAVIKAR; Will GDR 1666/67 of Coleford, widow, written 1662; JOHN SAVAKER mentioned as brother in Will; mentioned in the Will of her husband GDR 1662/20 written 5th November 1661). Had issue:
4.1. PHILLIP YERROTH eldest son according to the Will of his mother GDR 1666/67 written 1662.

Generation No. 3

5. PHILLIP YERROTH (born before 1649) married 25th June 1667, Monmouth ANN WILLIAMS (buried 12th August 1686, Newland, por: Coleford (ref. 12).). Had issue:
5.1. DOROTHY YERROTH baptised 11th January 1677, Newland, por: Coleford.

Generation No. 4

6. RICHARD MORGAN(8) (mt ancestor) married on 3rd November 1698 DOROTHY YORATH.

Richard and Edith SYSUM (nee SAVAGAR) - Taynton

by sysum15, Friday, May 05, 2017, 12:48 (2862 days ago) @ Alan Tyndall

hi richard sysum is my grandad he and edith had a son that passed away at 2 month old they separated and after her passing my grandad remarried to my nan where they had 9 children and lived in gloucester i can send dates if u wish it would help x sharon

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