CHAPPELL, INMAN and WIGGLE Surnames (General)

by kiddles, Saturday, February 10, 2007, 03:47 (6599 days ago)

I have been researching my wifes name chappell,inman,wiggle i would like any
information on the above,tom chappell 1868,henry inman,1846,or his family henry was the ferryman at purton,and became the bridge master of the severn railwaybridge now demolished,martin inman,in 1726 his family continued as lessees for the next 150 years,and kept the passage house inn,henry inman married emma wiggle 1817,bream,etloe,gloucestershire,her mother was martha wiggle 1817 she said she was formerly the inn keeper,in bream,or awre,would like any comment from the forest,an important part of your history.


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