Julius WIGGLE 1841 (General)

by kiddles, Monday, February 12, 2007, 06:37 (6596 days ago)

i would be very pleased if anyone can give me a clue,about julius wiggle,1841
my own research, along with wiggle family in usa and your help with a martha
kear born 1817 and her husband robert wiggle born 1813 blakeny, children julia
1849,george wiggle 1853,emma wiggle 1854,thyria wiggle 1876,would connect us to the wiggles in usa,i know most wiggle family connections are or was in painswick,the exiting news is that a robert wiggle was her fathers name and she asks us could or is it possible that martha and robert have had another child called julius wiggle 1841,this would end a seven year search for him.it seems to me to be a good question for you .


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