BLUNT family of the lower Forest (General)
by monfamilies, Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 06:51 (6581 days ago)
Looking for anyone researching the Blunt family of Alvington, common name in family Christopher.
Blunt family of the lower Forest
by bertha, Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 07:23 (6581 days ago) @ monfamilies
This record can be viewed on the Parish Records Section of the Members Area of the website I don't know if this is one of 'your' Blunt family?
record_id 2061
Entry Number 419
Year 1855
Month Apr
Day 15
Parents Surname BLUNT
Child Forename(s) Frances Anne
Father's Forename(s) [not stated]
Mother's Forename(s) Amelia
Mother's Surname
Place of Residence Woolaston
Occupation [not stated]
Officiating Minister G.W. Jones Curate
Event type Baptism
Memoranda Daughter of
Register Reference P12 IN 1/4
Page No 53
Parish/Chapel Alvington
Soundex B453
Blunt family of the lower Forest
by monfamilies, Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 07:35 (6581 days ago) @ bertha
Thanks but my message says "I am looking for someone researching Blunt" not records of Blunt, dont understand why you sent me this record, there are quite a lot of Blunt baptisms, marriages & burials in parishes along the southern half of the forest. So what is so significant about this record that you would send it to me.
Blunt family of the lower Forest
by bertha, Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 07:50 (6581 days ago) @ monfamilies
I did a check of the Parish Records on this website, this was the only Blunt listed in Alvington. I posted it as I thought it might aid you in your research.
Blunt family of the lower Forest
by monfamilies, Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 13:41 (6580 days ago) @ bertha
Thanks Bertha
This baptism would probably fit in somewhere, I am trying to connect a Christopher Blunt of St Arvans born 1770 - 1780 who married Rachel Edwards of Mathern with the Blunt's of Alvington and surrounding parishes, I believe he may be the s/o George Blunt of Alvington descended from Richard Blunt married Elizabeth Jones Lydney 1703.
Your reply to my message I thought a bit odd, because I was looking for Blunt researchers, you never gave a clear enough explanation why you were supplying me with this Blunt baptism. I initially thought that you might be connected to this baptism, as I have access to the F.O.D transcriptions, census & I.G.I and have exhausted all online resources.
So I am now trying to find somebody who is researching this family and are willing to share information.
I do apologise that my message in seeking other Blunt researchers was a bit confusing to understand, I will remember next time to add "no data needed" from the very same site I am posting this message, as I am aware that the transcriptions exist.
Good Luck in your Research
BLUNT response
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 08:46 (6581 days ago) @ monfamilies
""dont understand why you sent me this record""
""So what is so significant about this record that you would send it to me""
Its quite common on this board for Contributors to offer "any snippet" of help they can, esp. when the inital message is a one liner.
Contributors like Bertha have no way of knowing what you already know, so given the options of "ignore" or "post something that may relate", I know which route I and many others take and benefit from.
There are many threads where those seeking help have been very grateful as these "snippets" can often be "little nuggets" that have been overlooked or simply hidden from the Questioner in his or her research.
I hope this helps you understand the motivation and passion of Contributors here, and I wish you success with your research.
BLUNT response
by monfamilies, Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 14:01 (6580 days ago) @ slowhands
"Its quite common on this board for Contributors to offer "any snippet"
From the very same site you are posting the message, surely it would be better to guide someone to the transcriptions themselves. This would save on possible data being posted again and again.
But unfortunately my message did not indicate that I was looking for any data on any particular person, but for a researcher themselve.
I dont know how you think I should word my message when looking for other Blunt researchers. What is wrong with it, plain and simple to understand.
"Looking for anyone researching the Blunt family of Alvington, common name in family Christopher".
Personally I dont understand why you feel you had to make a contribution to this subject. I dont think Bertha made me aware of why she was offering this piece of information. Initially I thought she might be a Blunt researcher, but now it seems not, I dont shun people for trying to help, I help family historians everyday of the week.
Good luck in your research also.
Rachel BLUNT burial St Briavels 1831
by stevecoe1955 , Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 17:35 (4731 days ago) @ monfamilies
I am researching the Blunts of Alvington and have found a grave of a Rachel Blunt who was the wife of Christopher Blunt of Great Dinham. She died in 1831. The grave is in St. Briavels,
any good?
Rachel BLUNT burial St Briavels 1831
by m p griffiths , Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 18:15 (4731 days ago) @ stevecoe1955
Just in this case all the information isn't on the gravestone.....
Gloucestershire Burial Index
Rachel BLUNT - 31 August 1831, age 55 - Great Dinham - buried St Briavels
Rachel BLUNT burial St Briavels 1831
by stevecoe1955 , Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 21:23 (4731 days ago) @ m p griffiths
Hi there,
I have just come back from visiting St Briavels and the grave actually reads:
Sacred to the memory of Rachel, wife of Christopher Blunt of Great Dinham, County of Monmouth, departed this life August 28th 1831, aged 55.
The next grave is Richard Blunt who died April 23rd 1780 aged 71
The next grave reads:
Here lieth the body of Christopher Blunt of this parish who departed this life also here lieth the body of Ann, the wife of the above and relict (widow) of Thomas Backer late of Clannah (Clannan) who died June 6th 1791 aged 81
(Grave Refs: 303,305,307 in line with the nave of the church, to the right of the altar in a line.
Has anyone got the information on Gloucester index for these other graves?
Rachel BLUNT burial St Briavels 1831
by m p griffiths , Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 22:53 (4731 days ago) @ stevecoe1955
The Gloucestershire Burial Index starts from 1800 - with approx 20+ BLUNTS, mostly FOD, a few in Cheltenham...
Not sure if this is your Christopher Blunt?
A2A (National Archives)
Documents at Bristol Record Office
Records of W J Rogers Ltd. Brewery - covering dates 1829-1962
No. 40077/D/1 - 1829 December 14
1 doct.
Appointment and mortgage by demise
1. Christopher Blunt of Dirrham. co. Monmouth, Farmer
2. Elizabeth Jane of Chepstow, co. Monmouth
Property: meadowland called Bisditch in Calidcot
Consideration: £250
Clanna history - prior thread
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, March 22, 2012, 14:42 (4730 days ago) @ stevecoe1955
Here lieth the body of Christopher Blunt of this parish who departed this life also here lieth the body of Ann, the wife of the above and relict (widow) of Thomas Backer late of Clannah (Clannan) who died June 6th 1791 aged 81
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Clanna history - prior thread
by stevecoe1955 , Thursday, March 22, 2012, 15:24 (4730 days ago) @ slowhands
I can't find any record of Thomas Backer or his wife Ann who married Christopher Blunt!
Any ideas?
Anne BAKER 1710 - 1791
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, March 22, 2012, 15:34 (4730 days ago) @ stevecoe1955
I can't find any record of Thomas Backer or his wife Ann who married Christopher Blunt!
Any ideas?
Recorded as BAKER not BLUNT :-)
Year: 1791
Month: Jun
Day: 8
Surname: BAKER
Forenames: Anne
Officiating_Minister: Thomas Edmunds Curate
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: P278 IN 1/4
Page_No: 9
Parish_Chapel: St Briavels
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Anne BAKER 1710 - 1791
by stevecoe1955 , Friday, March 23, 2012, 09:30 (4730 days ago) @ slowhands
Thanks for that, cheers, steve
BLUNT family of the lower Forest
by edwaeliz, Monday, September 22, 2014, 08:37 (3817 days ago) @ monfamilies
I am researching my Blunt family from Hewelfield, Lydney and Alvington. Edward Blunt was baptised 1794 at Lydney father Thomas mother Susanna. I am not sure on Thomas's baptism. I do have a Elizabeth, who baptised a Thomas in 1752. Now the thing is that the Christopher you have, he and his wife Ann had a Christopher 1749 and Ann 1745, so did my Thomas and Edward's brother George 1802. The Christopher 1749 was baptised at Alvington and my Thomas's children were baptise at Lydney then Alvington and George the last was baptised at Hewlfield.If Thomas was Elizabeth son I feel he was put with Christoper and Ann's family or were very close to them to have named two of his children after them. My Edward married Elizabeth Phillips 1814 at Hewelfield, had two children Eliza 1815 and Alexander 1821, my Gt Grandfather who moved to Monmouth and married Eliza Meredith and had my Grandfather William 1862 who came to Australia in 1883. With your Phillip Blunt I saw in the 1841 census he was a lodger Chepsow born 1821 age 20. There was a James Partchard age 50 in the house with others so it could have been a half way house. Phillip stated he was born at Hewelsfield.With no true baptism for your Phillip and my Thomas it seems we are stuck. Only time will tell and more research. Best of luck and hope I have Helped. Donald
by MPGriffiths , Monday, September 22, 2014, 11:51 (3817 days ago) @ edwaeliz
Fod Records (also there are previous threads on Philip BLUNT/POWELL)
Marriage at Lydney - 19 December 1786
Thomas BLUNT of Alvington
Susanna HICKS of this Parish
by banns 19th and 26th November
Thomas LEWIS
Richard HICKS **
** Marriage at Alvington - 15 August 1793, Richard HICKS of Lidney ***, married Elizabeth GODSELL of Alvington
witnesses: Ann HILLINGTON, John POWELL
*** possibly the son of Edward & Margaret HICKS christened at Lydney - 11 August 1771
Fod Records have a burial at Hewlesfield of Susanna BLUNT of Clearwell aged 5 - 29 October 1821
Gloucestershire Family History CD - gives the age of Susanna as 56
? Do you belong to Ancestry…
? There is the Will of William BLUNT 1788 of Newland, - which mentions his Sons, Edward & *Thomas BLUNT - son-in-law - Thomas RICHARDS - daughters Anne/Margaret/Tracey -
Fod Records:
Baptism at Newland - 20 August 1749 - Thomas BLUNT, parents William & Anne/Burial at Hewlesfield - 22 December 1835, Thomas BLUNT - age 83 = c1752
? The Thomas BLUNT will of 1820 - of Newland, - was aged 75 when he died (Fod Records = c 1745)
Thomas RICHARDS married Sarah BLUNT at Newland - 13 June 1769 and Thomas was a witness when Edward BLUNT (widower) married again 10 February 1803
Margaret BLUNT married John RICHARDS at Newland - 20 May 1769
There is a lot of info on Philip BLUNT - Uncle Edward BLUNT
With an Article on Larcency at Hewlesfield in 1842
1841 Census
Arkells Court - Hewlesfied
Samuel EDWARDS -55 - Farmer, not born in County
James PRITCHARD - 50 - M.S - not born in County
Philip BLUNT - 20 - M.S. born in County
George BIRD 20 - ditto
Daniel JAMES - 10 - ditto
Eliza VAUGHAN - 15 - F.S - ditto
Amelia JONES - 15 - ditto
Fanny JONES - 50 - ditto
Larcency at Hewlesfield 1842 - from the Hewlesfield Police Station Diary
17 January 1842
At 9 a.m. being called on by Mr Samuel Edwards of Harts Hill Court, Parish of Hewlesfield, whose house was broken into and a quantity of bacon, lard, cheese and wheat stolen there on Sunday night the 16th instant. Sgt Sheills and Constable Baisley proceeded with him to search of house of Edward BLUNT of the Parish of Hewlesfield where he suspected the Property was concealed. We found the whole of the Property that was lost. We took Edward BLUNT Alexander BLUNT and Phillip BLUNT into custody on suspicion of having stolen the property. After we took them into custody Phillip BLUNT acknowledged to have taken the property.
We also found in the house a gun the property of John EVANS, Carpenter of Hewlesfield which was stoken some time in December last. Also part of the regins of a bridle the property of Mr Thomas WADE of Arkle Farm, Parish of Woolaston, and a smock frock that was stolen from the stable of Mr William WILLETT, the property of his servant Henry REEKS. We were the greater part of the day employed as above.
18th January
At 10 a.m. Constable William ONION proceeded to Mr Thomas WADE to inform them of the Property found. From whence proceeded with the property and witnesses to Lidney. At 10a.m. Sg John SHEILLS and Constable George BAISLEY proceeded with the prisoner to Lidney, and took them before the Magistrates assembled at the Petty Sessions. Phillip BLUNT was committeed to stand his trial and Edward and Alexander BLUNT was admitted to Bail to stand their trials. About 7 pm Constable George BAISLEY left Lidney on his way home in charge of the property. Arrived at this station 9pm. Sgt John SHEILLS and Constable William ONION remained at Lidney in order to make a night patrol home. Constable BAISLEY took up guard.
** Notes on the people mentioned.
Phillip BLUNT who was baptised at Hewlesfield in 1822, was the third illegitimate child of Ann BLUNT. She died in 1828. When this crime occurred he was staying with an Uncle, Edward BLUNT, and his family.
Nine months earlier in 1841 census records Philip employed as a farm servant to the above mentioned Samuel EDWARDS
Phillip BLUNT was sentenced to transportation for 7 years at Gloucester in March 1842 for this crime and records show him later that month imprisoned on the prison hulk 'Justita' at Woolwich with other convicts who were destined for Van Diemen's Land. -
The contributors writes….
'I have so far been unsuccessful in tracing his arrival in Australia or in finding any record of his stay there. If he was transported to Oz he possibly returned to the UK and serving his sentence, as a researcher of the BLUNT family tree believe he changed his name to PHILIP POWELL and settled around 1860 near Cardiff.'
St John SHEILLS - born 1819 from Charlestown, Louth in Ireland, was one of the first Irish Officers recruited from the Dublin Metropolitan Police by Anthony LEFROY, signing up on the 23 December 1839. Shortly after the above incident he resigned from the police force and accepted a position of gamekeeper with the owners of Hewlesfield Court. He settled at nearby Clanna with his Herefordshire born wife Elizabeth. Three of their children were baptised at Alvington.
Quite a lot of information on Public members Tree Ancestry - of Philip BLUNT/POWELL after 1851 etc
Fod records
baptism at Hewlesfield - 3 February 1822
Phillip BLUNT - mother, Anne, (Single woman) - residence, Hewlesfield and Siblings
Christopher - 27 January 1820 and Amelia - 6 September 1818
1851 Wales Census, Woolaston
BLUNT/mother's maiden name: HATHAWAY - Gloucestershirebdm (FoD records - Married 15 Oct 1838 at Hewlesfield)
Christopher - 31 - Mason, born Hewlesfield
Amelia - 31 - born St Briavels
Alice - 11 -
William - 8
Israel - 5
Mary - 3
Elizabeth 1
- it would seem Amelia never married but had children
1851 Census Woolaston
Amelia BLUNT -30 - unmarried visitor, Seamstress, born Hewlesfield
Mary - 2 - born Woolaston
William - 6 weeks - born Woolaston
Will of William BLUNT of Clowerwall
by MPGriffiths , Monday, September 22, 2014, 18:02 (3816 days ago) @ MPGriffiths
This Will has been transcribed on Public Members' Tree
Will of William BLUNT of Clowerwall
This is the last Will & Testamnet of me William BLUNT of Clowerwall in the Parish of Newland in the County of Gloucester,
Cooper, whereby I dispose of my wordly Estate, in the manner following.
In the first place I direct all my just Debts to be paid…. I give and devise unto my son Edward BLUNT and to my son-in-law Thomas RICHARDS all that my Dwelling House wherein I lately reside called The Porch with the Shop Garden & Orchard the same adjoining and belonging with all that all Rights & Appurtenances situate in Clowerwall aforesaid to hold with them, the said Edward BLUNT & Thomas RICHARDS their Heirs and Assigns for ever upon this special trust that they Edward BLUNT and Thomas RICHARDS or the survivor ….. and shall immediately upon my decease ……. sell and dispose of my said Dwelling House …… for the best price that can be got for it ……. immediately the s a l e being completed and the purchase money received they the said Edward Blunt & Thomas Richards or the survivor of them then shall out of the purchase money discharge Principal & Interest monies due on the Mortgage, Heriditaments & Promises and after full payments made …. the remained ……. in the manner following.
Unto my daughter Tracey BROWNE the sum of 5 pounds and the residue of the s a l e in same share with Edward BLUNT & Thomas RICHARDS.
Then I give to my son Thomas within one month next after my decease my son Thomas having been provided for by me in my lifetime and I also give to my daughters Anne & Margaret one shilling apiece to be also paid within one month of my decease.
Then I give the Bed Bolster & Bedstead with the sheets and blankets and appurtenances belongint thereot within I now lie unto my daughter Sarah and all that singular ….
All of my Household Goods & Personal Estate, whatsover ….. I give the same unto my son Edward BLUNT and appoint him my Sole Executor of this my last Will hereby revoking all former Wills by me.
Tracey BLUNT - 1742-1809
William BLUNT - 1709-1788
Sarah BLUNT - 1748-1818
Margaret BLUNT - 1740-1814
Edward BLUNT - 1751-1819
Anne BLUNT - 1738-1800
+ this info
William BLUNT - christened 1709 - Monmouth, Eldest son of Thomas & Tacy BLUNT
married Ann DAVIS, 6 January 1736, St Mary, Monmouthshire
Tracie BLUNT, marriaged 2 November 17656, Bts, Monmouth, Charles BROWN
by edwaeliz, Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 01:20 (3816 days ago) @ MPGriffiths
Hello, your information was amazing, you sure have more access to records. I do here and I searched the convict records but no for Phillip. We were not accepting covicts after 1842 I would think you are on the right track with Blunt to Powell, he was trying hide. Our convicts did the same. In the 1880s a lot of their children did not want to know their parents were convicts, but today it is fashionable.
The police report was great. I had picked up off,yes I am on that, and have seen your tree. In the police books Edward and Alexander were innocent so Phillip did the deed.
I think Alexander got away from his mess and went to Gwent and married Eliza, most of their children were born at Llanvapley by 1871 then they moved to Newport. After Edward died Elizabeth was taken in by Alexander at Llanvapley. I have seen the LBlake Mizen tree and all your family are there. The later families were in Newport, so did they know each other. It is strange to think what Edward would think of his grandson becoming a Police Officer here, but he would think Great that William later had a Pub.
Try the goals for Phillip as I was told the hulks were old ships and never went to sea and used as goals.
Thank you Bye for now Donald.
by MPGriffiths , Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 07:09 (3816 days ago) @ edwaeliz
Just to let you know - I am no way related to this family, just passing the information on from previous threads, Public Members Trees/Gloucestershire Wills on Ancestry, Forest of Dean transcribed records etc.