Elizabeth HALL & son George born Lydney 1880-3? (General)

by sandra, Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 13:12 (6581 days ago)

I am trying to find information about Elizabeth Hall born 1861 in Lincoln who ran off to the Forest of Dean with a "woodsman"(or so family stories have it!). I think he was married as she never married him, but she had several children with him (all with the surname Hall)the first was George born in Lydney? Gloucestershire 20/2/1880-3?. There is possibly a John Hall born 1882 also.( he shows up on the workhouse census, but I am not sure if he is related) Family tales have it that she stayed with the woodsman until he died then moved back to Lincoln with her children (she and the children are in the workhouse in Lincoln on the 1891 census).

I am hoping to find census records from the Forest of Dean area so I can find the family and see what the woodsman's name was. I think they may have moved about a bit, as another child William Hall was born in Derby 1883 and another Rose Hall in Bury St Edmunds 1888, unless of course they had different fathers!! She had three more children Catherine Hall born in Lincoln 1890, (then she married a man called William Wheatcroft in 1892 and had Alice born Lincoln 1893 and Edward born Lincoln 1896.

If anybody has any knowledge of the family I would be most interested to hear it.

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