Sia John WOOLES in Lydney (General)

by Brian Ellis, Monday, March 12, 2007, 11:48 (6568 days ago) @ tomcrean

Hello Tom
I would suggest that you need to consider is the fact that in only one place (a relatively recent index) is your relative listed as Lia. On both the original index and the birth certificate, as well as the register of Lydney, he appears as Sia. You really ought to see for yourself either by ordering a copy of the register or by looking at the GRO index. I don't know where you are, but the GRO index is normally carried by the larger libraries in Great Britain and is available in the Mormon Family History Centres around the world. The Ancestry index is relatively recent and is, in places littered with mistakes. Having said that nobody is infallible - especially me :-)

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