On the Burial Transcript Details for Sidney BURLEY dated 1889 St Briavels there is a memoranda saying By Coroners Warrant. Sidney was only 7 years of age. Because there was a Coroners Warrant is there a possibility Sidney died under suspicious circumstances if so how could I find further information.
By Coroners Warrant
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, March 22, 2007, 00:48 (6558 days ago) @ Anton
.. you could look at local newspaper(s) around that time, it may have been report esp. if it was "unnatural or suspicious"
By Coroners Warrant
by Anton , Thursday, March 22, 2007, 01:53 (6558 days ago) @ slowhands
Slowhands, would Gloustershire Records Office be the best place to view old news papers around this time or have you any other locations you could suggest.
By Coroners Warrant
by 10noyrum , Thursday, March 22, 2007, 06:48 (6558 days ago) @ Anton
My relation Samuel Venn also died young in 1878 - at the age of 6 - in Panteg Monmouthshire and his cause of death was recorded by the Coroner as natural causes. I wonder whether such referral to the Coroner was routine in those days when children died young. A helpful lady at Gwent Record Office in Cwmbran said that often there were Coroner's Reports but none had survived for poor Samuel. A referral to Gloucester Record Office would seem in order.
By Coroners Warrant
by Barbara Lloyd , Thursday, March 22, 2007, 07:01 (6558 days ago) @ slowhands
I recently spent some time at Gloucester Records office, looking for the report of a Court Case. I was looking through the 1844 Gloucester Journal and I did not find what I wanted.
The records office only seemed to have the Journal, a suggestion has been made that I search the Cinderford Mercury, and other more "local papers".
I shall be visiting The Forrest shortly, any suggestion as to where these papers might be found would be appreciated.
It might also help the originator of this question.
Barbara Lloyd.
By Coroners Warrant
by biddy , Thursday, March 22, 2007, 07:57 (6558 days ago) @ Barbara Lloyd
Copies of the Dean Forest Mercury on microfilm are held at Cinderford Library as part of the Local Studies Collection. The library has been closed for a month for renovation, but I think it's due to open again tomorrow (23rd).
It used to be safer to book a reader, though don't know whether things have changed.
Good luck!
By Coroners Warrant
by Barbara Lloyd , Thursday, March 22, 2007, 10:06 (6558 days ago) @ biddy
Thank you Biddy, I shall make enquiries.
By Coroners Warrant BURLEY
by Scott, Thursday, March 22, 2007, 01:29 (6558 days ago) @ Anton
I did the transcriptions on these records. If you would like, I can scan and send you an image of the page with this record. If interested, please contact me via e-mail with the date of the entry and page number.
By Coroners Warrant BURLEY
by Anton , Thursday, March 22, 2007, 01:45 (6558 days ago) @ Scott
Scott, I would be interested if could scan the image. I have emailed you the information you required.
Thank you for your help.