Pewtner and Partridge (General)

by joss, Wednesday, April 11, 2007, 06:47 (6537 days ago)

Hi all

I've been here before researching Pewtner family but now have more infomation and more questions. A fellow researcher put me on to Google Books where I have found the following references:
1 A History of Railways in the FoD by Harold William Paar 1963 - p58 "The committee was unconcerned and only rebuked Partridge in 1823 after a row between his steward Pewtner and Sheasby"
2 The Industrial History of Dean by Cyril E Hart 1971 - "The proprietor was John Partridge and viewing was to be done through Mr Pewtner of Bishop wood".
Now, I already know that my Gx4 grandfather Esaias Pewtner (baptised in Bristol 8 May 1773 and arrived in FoD via Whitchurch around 1814 and died 1842 Bishopwood) was a Clerk to Mr Partidge, so that's him. But does anyone know what this John Partridge did or what is being referred to in these extracts? What was the "row" about? What was being viewed?
I will try to get the books on interlibrary loan, but in the meantime I wondered if anyone here had copies and could look it up for me? Or any other expert knowledge on the subject would be welcome.



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