Venetian House, Coleford (General)

by Bill Nash, Wednesday, April 11, 2007, 19:16 (6537 days ago) @ jhopkins

Not only do I know Venitian House on Lords Hill I visited it on many occasions.

It is a rambling type of house which has had many additions over the years and was in a substantial walled Garden.

It was until the early 1980's to my knowledge owned by Ken Prisk and his wife Vera

Ken was the manager of the Coleford Community Centre and before that the Town Hall.

He was ( with my mother Joyce Nash) among the leading lights of the Coleford Amateur Dramatic Society. Ken co-wrote / adapted with Keith Morgan many of the famous Coleford Pantomimes and Music Halls- especially the music and song which he arranged.

He played the piano.. mostly by ear... and with such luminaries as Jim Blanch ( Still living at Cherry Brook Farm Nr Newland) provided the music

Venetian House used regularly to vibrate from the singing and festivities of post production parties.

My contribution was small, despite being volunteered by my mother.. Charlie Bayliss and I used to work the lights and do other stage hand duties building and striking sets... although I was occasionally found singing in the chorus of the odd Music Hall


Bill Nash
Sydney Australia

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