100 years ago men would WALK 100 miles (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, April 26, 2007, 00:44 (6523 days ago) @ sylviamorgan

My grandfather Albert Watkins in the depression years of the 1930's after being
out of work for 5 years moved north to the industrial city of Manchester with
his family in the search of a different type of work. There he obtained
employment with the General Post Office (GPO), who he stayed with until the end
of his working years.

Also, have a read of Ruth's Story which was sent to us by Avril Wood.
It gives a fascinating insight into the hard times she and her family endured -
particularly in their younger years. It seems incredible now that less than 100
years ago men would WALK 100 miles or more to find work!

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