John & Mary Watkins in 1841 or 1851 census (General)

by seanwatkins, Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 00:39 (6504 days ago) @ Karaka

From the Tidenham John & Mary in 1841 - John is born within the county but Mary isn't, which is encouraging. But it's confusing because in 1851 there's no sign of them in Tidenham but there is the family then in Newent of John & Mary, father William, and children Comfort, Sarah and Alfred highlighted by 'Bertha' above as a reply to your post. Mary hailing from 'Stoke Owen'? in Somerset (at least thats what the transcription says). Newent is quite a way from Tidenham. there is also another John and Mary in Clifton where the Mary is from Pill in Somerset, but she appears to be much older - born 1799.

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