Would someone be baptised twice? (General)

by Simone @, Friday, June 01, 2007, 10:55 (6486 days ago)


Back to the James Wright/ Ann Freeman saga! Ann Freeman b c 1830 married James Wright b c 1806, in Jan 1853.

I know that my Ann Freeman (always Ann without an 'e' on census)b c 1830 Abergavenny had son Thomas before she married - I found what I thought was his baptism in Feb 1852 at Monmouth. He is listed on each census as Thomas, but the baptism I have says Tom Owen Freeman, mother Anne'e' Freeman, no father listed.

I have now found on this site that their daughter Hannah Wright, my great grandmother was baptised at Newland in 1855. On the same day they have had Thomas Wright baptised. I'm sure they wouldn't have had another son and called him Thomas too, especially as Thomas Freeman is still listed with his mum on later census. So is this Thomas Wright baptised same day as Hannah actually Thomas Freeman? Do I have a red herring with the Tom Owen Freeman baptisn in 1852? Or would she have had him baptised later as well in some way to make him the 'adopted' son of James Wright, so to speak.

Opinions would be great.



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