Gravestones - unable to access (General)

by jacky, Sunday, June 10, 2007, 12:11 (6477 days ago)

Hello All

Today I visited the Forest of Dean churchyards again in order to try to verify members of the BALDWIN family. I found that in Flaxley,Mitcheldean Littledean and St Johns Ruardean any stones which were out of position were propped against the outer walls and with some difficulty could mostly be read but in Holy Trinity Drybrook nearly all were just stacked in piles and unable to access them to decipher any details. Is there anyway a group of members who live locally (say within an hours drive) could meet up on a disignated day to try to prop these up. I know 'health and safety' issues are bound to arise! Would permission be needed from the vicar of the church? I know this is probably all in vain but such a shame for anyone who goes to find out any information and cannot see the details.
Regards Jacky Stanford-Melville

Gravestones - unable to access

by gill webb @, Sunday, June 10, 2007, 12:59 (6477 days ago) @ jacky

Hello Jacky

What a shame, I also was recently in the area, and got great joy from finding information for my Teague's at Bream & Parkend, also went over the border to Lea and Weston under Penyard, but there wasn't a gravestone to be seen at Clearwell.

I know most of these areas will have been transcribed by the GFHS, but it gives great satisfaction to actually see them for oneself.

Gill Webb

Gravestones - unable to access

by llangrove, Sunday, June 10, 2007, 14:27 (6477 days ago) @ gill webb

While visiting England at the end of March I was able to go to Christchurch, and finally found my g-g-grandparents' headstone. This meant so much to me! However, when I last visited there in 1997 there were headstones for members of the Stephens family, lined up against the church wall. Since then I 've been able to connect the Stephens to both my father's maternal and paternal lines. Sorry to say those headstones are gone!

Since the link to the news story concerning the reuse of British cemeteries, was posted on this site, I've been wrestling with the idea of contacting the vicar and/or parish council of Christchurch, to say I am the next of kin and I do not give my permission to reuse the grave.

Gill, I'm glad someone else understands the feelings I had, actually being able to touch their headstone!!!

Gravestones - unable to access

by Cathydyer @, Wednesday, December 29, 2021, 15:55 (1161 days ago) @ jacky

I agree. Now we are in 2021 and I cannot find my great grandmother's headstone, although I have a 1920 photo of it. I have emailed the vicar but not had a reply. Has the ivy obscured it, has it fallen down and where was it in the graveyard? Is there a graveyard plan?

Gravestones - unable to access

by anthonyworgan @, Thursday, December 30, 2021, 18:29 (1160 days ago) @ Cathydyer

Yes, I agree with all of the above - the thrill of finding the grave of an ancestor is a very moving experience. With the aid of the graveyard plan of Newland churchyard (compiled by the Gloucestershire FHS many years ago) I was able to locate some of my ancestors gravestones this summer and took photographs of them.
Over the years I have found ancestor gravestones in English Bicknor and Parkend churchyards and when I have re-visited them and taken updated photographs it sadly shows the deteriorating condition of the stones.
In Blaisdon churchyard I have many ancestors who lie buried there but it has taken 8 years of searching to find them because of the conditions of the stones. No survey was ever taken of the churchyard and some of the stones have sunk into the earth due to their age, so the inscriptions have been lost.
However, each summer holiday now in the forest is a real joy because it always includes a graveyard visit.

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