Gravestones - unable to access (General)

by llangrove, Sunday, June 10, 2007, 14:27 (6477 days ago) @ gill webb

While visiting England at the end of March I was able to go to Christchurch, and finally found my g-g-grandparents' headstone. This meant so much to me! However, when I last visited there in 1997 there were headstones for members of the Stephens family, lined up against the church wall. Since then I 've been able to connect the Stephens to both my father's maternal and paternal lines. Sorry to say those headstones are gone!

Since the link to the news story concerning the reuse of British cemeteries, was posted on this site, I've been wrestling with the idea of contacting the vicar and/or parish council of Christchurch, to say I am the next of kin and I do not give my permission to reuse the grave.

Gill, I'm glad someone else understands the feelings I had, actually being able to touch their headstone!!!

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