Jane BAGLIN - West Dean (General)

by Jean Herbert @, Leeds Yorkshire, Saturday, June 23, 2007, 10:23 (6464 days ago) @ bertha

Creeping in here, Jean Herbert from Yorkshire who started this lot off. Have you ever heard the expression "Be careful what you wish for, you might get it"? Well, this has happened to me. I only asked a little question or two maybe, about the Herbert and related families. Now I have Herbert - Dobbs - Brain - Phelps - Morgan - Haywood etc coming at me thick and fast. We thought we were the only Herberts who came to live and work in the area but have now, thanks to all your efforts - found many more.
Regarding the father of Elijah - GAY or GREY. I am not even getting ito this one, I will leave it to the experts, just wondering which one of you, Bertha or Slowhands is the first to be sent to bed without supper for arguing. I think I will enter Elijah as being spawned by an alien from some other planet as my Herbert, the last of his line in Yorkshire - is an avid Sci-Fi fan. Many thanks for your efforts, look forward eagerly for next installment. Regards Jean Herbert

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