BEACH Family of the Coleford /Newland area (General)

by ilikesox, Monday, June 25, 2007, 22:55 (6463 days ago) @ rheola


My name is Heemi Porou, I am am a descendant of the Beach family in NZ. I don't think my info will help, but we'll see... If you do happen to recognise any of the names, that would be great. Also, I am very amateurish at this so sorry if I write things in an unorthodox way.

Samuel Beach, c1727 Newland Glouc. = Elizabeth ?,c1732
Samuel Beach (son), c1756 = Susannah Smith c1768
Humphrey Beach 1791-1864 = Elizabeth Williams

One of Humphrey's and Elizabeth's sons, Milson Beach b1838, married one Lucy Haviland, and moved to NZ sometime before 1867. Humphrey is one of my 3x great grandfathers. Perhaps, just perhaps, one of these names links with the Beach family you are looking for.

Sorry if that was a little long winded!


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